[hider=OoC] [b]How long do you usually write?[/b] Usually a couple paragraphs at the very least. Depends on the story and nature of the RP [b] Do you enjoy writing collaborative posts for things like conversations, combat, etc.? [/b] I prefer collaboration for conversations. [b] Is grammar and depth of writing important to you? [/b] It's not a deal breaker, nor is it something I would nitpick to death. The meaning and story are far more important than making sure that I use a proper plural. [b] Are there any writing subjects you particularly enjoy exploring? [/b] Plenty. Anything from romance to thrilling heists to gritty street dramas. [b] Is there anything you [i]really[/i] dislike and want to avoid like the plague? [/b] Nitpicking. [b] Is there something you are uncomfortable with happening to your character? [/b] Not that I can think of. [b] Do you have any short-term or long-term goals with this character? [/b] The end goal of Dev's arc: To become a major player in the criminal underworld. [/hider] [hider=Couriers Holonet Ad] [b] Name: [/b] Dev Arx [b] Species: [/b] Human [b] Homeworld:[/b] Coruscant [b] Age: [/b] 28 [b] Gender: [/b] Male [b] Specialisation: [/b] Thievery [b] Current area of operation: [/b] Core - Recently seen in the Outer Rim and Hutt Space [/hider] [hider=Couriers Holonet Metadata Summary] [h3][sub]Detailed appearance. Imagery insufficient.[/sub][/h3] Dev Arx stands at 5' 9", and lacks any features that distinguish him from a crowd. His beard and hair are trimmed in such a way that Dev is able to fly by with minimal detection. He bears a bronzed skin from genetics that is common among those from the Outer Rim, making his Coruscant heritage surprising. His height, weight, and build are particular average for a human of his age, and Dev often wears browns, whites, and tans to blend in to his environment. He is about as toned as one would expect of someone who spends their days moving crates and walking the streets in search of a new mark or target. [hider=Recent Appearance on Tattooine] [CENTER][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/551351029594193930/607722200987861014/Dev_Arx.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] [h3][sub]Report on skills and talents, including level of skill.[/sub][/h3] Dev's primary talent is his quick hands. He can pick a cred-stick from rancor's tooth without it noticing, so to speak. He is good at blending and charming his way in a crowd, which has made Dev particularly dangerous in an open setting. His quick hands have been suspected to win him a few hands of cards in his day, and he's been able to lie his way out of most consequences. He trained from a young age in flying shuttles and small transports when he attempted to go straight, but it never stuck. The final major skill Dev uses at his disposal: he was a rather impressive communications specialist due to his comprehension of various languages that he picked up from the streets and bars of Coruscant, but his knowledge of these languages is a bit limited. His skill sets would have made for a fine SIS agent. [h3][sub]Report on known combat experience, training and weapons training.[/sub][/h3] Dev's brief stint in the Republic Army earned him some basic weapons and combat training. He only saw active combat three times before he received an honorable discharge. That being said, Dev has been known to be a quick and accurate draw with a blaster pistol. He only barely passed basic training with blaster rifles and CQC. [h3][sub]Does the Courier have, or have they ever had, a bounty on them? Are they wanted?[/sub][/h3] Dev has never had a bounty placed on him directly. He always served as a secret partner of Rex the Ripper on Coruscant, and was brought in on charges to Republic officials by Jedi Padawan Jex Saranth as part of a sting operation following interrogation of Rex the Ripper. He has just finished serving his sentence, and is not wanted for any crimes. [h3][sub]Detailed notes on common/favored employers and any noteworthy contacts. [/sub][/h3] Dev only ever had one employer that he worked for directly: Rex the Ripper. Rex was one of the crime lords who helped form the Black Sun following the Sacking of Coruscant, and was a close friend and mentor to Dev in his childhood. The two of them were low-tier criminals in their youth, before Dev tried to go straight by enlisting in the Republic Navy and piloting transports and cargo transports between warehouses. [h3][sub]Detailed notes on known rivals and enemies.[/sub][/h3] Dev Arx doesn't have many enemies. He considers Jex Saranth, the Jedi Knight who had him arrested, a significant rival that he would love to jettison into space at some point in the future. He obviously is no fan of law enforcement, especially CSF officials. On Coruscant, Dev has made a recent enemy of the Black Sun by murdering Rex the Ripper (who helped form the Black Sun following the Sacking of Coruscant). [h3][sub]List and description of other known associates.[/sub][/h3] Dev has worked with the following:[list] [*] A Trandoshan hired gun named Goshnak. Despite some misdemeanors and assault charges following a long list of bar fights, has no notable criminal record. His files appear to have been tampered with. [*] A partially damaged Astromech Droid designated TC-91. The droid appears to have modifications made and appears to be barely functional, as if some excess systems have been removed. [*] A Mirialan woman named [REDACTED] who serves as a "freelance systems expert," and is believed to be a known slicer. [/list] [h3][sub]List of known belongings, including but not limited to planetary surface property, civilian and military vessels, vehicles, weapons, tools.[/sub][/h3] [list] [*] A modified Dynamic-Class Freighter [*] A WL-29 Blaster Pistol [*] Blank Cred Sticks [*] Card Holder meant to hide in shirt sleeves [*] Marked Pazaak Decks[/list] [h3][sub]Psychological evaluation of Courier.[/sub][/h3] Dev Arx is a pathological liar and charmer. It seems to be a sport to him, much like his stealing and cheating: he does it all for the thrill. On multiple occasions, he attempted to charm CSF officials in an effort to get out of custody. When describing his time in Republic service, he talks about it as if it were a mistake. He revels in his years evading security officers and committing illegal actions. He tries to come across as more simple minded and innocent in order to get others to underestimate him, and it's all part of the act. It should also be noted that Dev often believes himself to be the smartest man in the room, even if he acts as if he's just... average. [h3][sub]List and description of known and suspected flaws. To be put into restricted database.[/sub][/h3] Dev has an addiction to the thrill. In particular, this manifests in a slight gambling addiction and his continued work in the criminal underworld. He is constantly searching for a bigger and bigger thrill. Dev also has a surprisingly weak constitution, and a love for credits that often gets Dev into sticky situations. [h3][sub]known interests of the Courier.[/sub][/h3] Dev is known to love cards, lying, carnal desires, and watching swoop races. [h3][sub]Major achievements on record.[/sub][/h3] Honorable Discharge from the Republic Navy Started up Rex's gang, refused to give him up after Eoban Believed to have killed Rex the Ripper. No Conclusive Proof or Confession. [h3][sub]Major failures on record. Confidential.[/sub][/h3] Got caught cheating at cards, outcast by Jobun The Eoban Job Captured and Arrested by Jedi Knight Jex Saranth [hider=Interview] [h3][sub]Personal biography, as detailed by the subject for future record. Acquired shortly after last achievement of note.[/sub][/h3] [i]Note on Record: There are about twenty-three different personal biographies delivered by Dev that can be easily found. All of them vary significantly.[/i] Fine, you want my life story? You got it. I was born to two losers: a moisture farmer from Tatooine who used up his life savings getting to the Capital of the Republic. Didn't work out so well. He fell in love with someone he met in a club, and got her pregnant. Turned out that the guy he did the ol' horizontal tango with? Mistress of a crime lord. She was tossed on her ass, he ended up in a damn storage container. So here I am thrust into this world, born in the back of some no-name bar on the lower levels. She must have been a looker. Don't remember much, except she had quite a few gentlemen callers. We got by for a while, until one day. One of those poor saps didn't bring any credits with him. My mother was a feisty woman, tried to pull a vibrodagger on him. But he was stronger, and she ended up with her throat slit. Guy walked out of the room, tossed it aside, and looked me dead in the eyes. Blood on his hands and everything, and he just says... nothing. Walks out like nothing happened, even combed his fucking hair on the way out. Took me a while to understand what happened... I was maybe eight at the time. Thought she was just sleeping, but she just wouldn't come out. So I walk in there, and she's got her throat open and the blood is dry by that point. It's a lot for a kid, so I just walked. Found an officer of the law, and everything was a blur. Looking back though, I know exactly what happened: no one cared. Happens everywhere, why would someone care about some dead whore when there are thousands dying every day? Well, I end up walking again, and some kid pulls me aside. Says his name's Rex, asks if I've got any credits. I say no, and he punches me in the fraggin' face! Asks again, and I say no. Another punch, and I'm bleeding out my nose. This time, he doesn't ask for credits. He asks where I live. So I tell him, and he pushes me away and says to take him there. I do, and he sees the place is empty. Starts searching everywhere, and doesn't find a thing. This kid finally asks where my family are, so I told him the truth: no dad, dead mum. The kid, he's about... twelve, I guess, just pats me on the shoulder and says to me, "Well, if you ain't got family, I'll be your family." I... I just didn't have anywhere else to go. So we became family, me and Rex. You see, Rex was an orphan from birth. Dad left like me, his mom died a little before mine did. Death sticks, nasty crap. He took to the streets, and just started beating up other kids and stealing any credits or shit they had. What he wasn't was subtle. Me, I was a handsome kid. Rex realized that if I asked kindly for credits or food or anything, I could pull in some shit. Rex tried that, but he was one ugly piece of work. So I start begging, Rex keeps beating kids up, and we pull through for a bit. One day, I'm out begging, and there's this Ithorian watching us. I'm a little freaked that there's some leatherneck watching my every move as I'm asking for credits, and Rex doesn't like it either. So we try to go a different way, and he just starts following us. We make our way out into a more open space, plenty of people around, and we decide "Hey, what's he gonna do in public, right?" So he comes up to us, and I can't understand a damn thing this guy is bellowing. But some droid shambles up behind him and starts speaking the Basic language. Apparently, ol' leatherneck wants to give us a place to stay. Calls himself Jobun. Rex and I, we accept in a heart beat since we're living off scraps. Short of the story is simple: we got ourselves involved in a fraggin' gang. Jobun, he's a mean piece of work, but a genius when it came to shipping schedules. You see, he was peddlin' spice. Well, he didn't. I did, Rex did. Nobody would expect some nine year old to be carrying around enough spice to space out a whole fucking fire team of commandos. So Jobun has a bunch of us kids running spice for him to different sellers and safe houses, and we get food and a bed to sleep in. Jobun brought in a lot of people of different types. Learned a lot of languages just from living with a crew of Rodians and Duros and such. After a while, Jobun's people start teaching me a thing or two. They never gave names, and we kept moving around between different places in case one of us kids ever got caught. But these people started teaching me the tricks: first it was how to blend in, then it was picking a pocket. Turns out I had a gift, but Rex was about as nimble as a bantha behind a bar. So I start refining the craft, getting better and better. And I'm good. Rex... he was good at different things. He was a big kid, and by the time he was sixteen he was big enough and strong enough to become full time muscle. Didn't see him much for a while after that. Me... well, I was getting too old to transfer spice. Got stopped a few times by security, but never searched. So what does Jobun have me do? He teaches me how to play Pazaak. Well, he taught me how to cheat at Pazaak. Gave me a damn good deck, showed me how to hide cards in my sleeves... all the tricks and trades. So I was fifteen, and started playing it on the street. Low stakes, but won every time. Stole from a bunch of younger folk and low-lives. Jobun always sent someone with me, cause I was playing addicts half the time. They'd freak when they lost their credits and realized they couldn't afford a fix. Watched a lot of people die that way. Eventually, I took my game into bars. Won more money, people just thought it was a damn good deck and skill. Then it got really intense. Someone leaked my name to some big time gambler with a lot of credits, and he challenged me. Eoban Jackard. Became a bigger deal later. Long story short, he could tell I was cheating. So that con was gone, and I lost credibility for a bit as a cheater. Jobun... he blamed me for being sloppy. If I couldn't earn him credits, I was useless to him. So I was eighteen, and no one wanted to hire me. No one but the Navy. I enlisted, thought I could be a hero. Of course, wasn't meant to be much of a hero. Force, fate... whatever it is wouldn't let me amount to much. I barely based basic training, and I'm not much of a soldier. Saw combat once as a crewman, we took some casualties. Needed some people to step up, and I got a battlefield promotion to specialist. My knowledge of language and their need for someone to take over for one of my fallen comrades got me the job. It was temporary, but I took to it pretty well. Saw combat twice... and you know what they say: third time's the charm. Got blown half to Hell, ended up pretty shook up. Turns out I'm not a huge fan of getting blasted and blown up. Took my down time to run a couple sims and train a little in flying, but didn't get to do a lot with it. My CO was kind enough to give me an honorable discharge. I got enough credits to float me an apartment back on Coruscant. Moved back home, and picked up some work running shipments. Good old freelance work. Did that for... two years, just about? Until Rex showed up again. You see, Jobun got caught. Rex was getting a crew back together. Rex... he wanted to pull bigger jobs than Jobun did. We pulled robberies, hostage situations... the like. Anything we could manage. We were doing alright for ourselves. Not making too big of waves, but making more money. Had to quite my job, and often ended up being the bait for Rex's little grifts. At least, the first few were just grifts. Then it all got... messy. Rex started killing on the jobs. He'd always claim self-defense... but I knew it wasn't. I kept working with him though. Rex offered me a chance to get even with Eoban, and I couldn't pass that up. We planned it all out almost perfect. I had grown up quite a bit, changed my look a bit. It was easy: I'd go to his place for a challenge of pazaak. Keep him stalled, while Rex and the gang would break in to the place and take all the credits they could off him. Honestly, it worked... Well, it worked out for Rex. Until he showed up at the table and pointed his blaster at Eoban. I tackled him before he could pull the trigger. Rex was the bigger one, knocked me over the head, and I was unconscious. Next thing I woke up, Eoban and some CSF were waiting for me. Brought me in for questioning, but I wasn't going to budge. I couldn't bring myself to turn on my brother. Eoban refused to press charges cause he saw that I tried to defend him. Got out with a misdemeanor on my record. Turns out, though, Rex really wasn't a brother to me. Because two weeks later, he got busted by the CSF for an older murder. Left some jobs for me to run in the meantime. Specifically, I had to handle helping run a spice deal. Didn't turn out so well, cause some Jedi showed up and made a mess of things. Next thing I knew, I was in custody for contraband. Six year sentence, mere days before the Sacking. Jex was kind enough to tell me who busted me. See, Rex was able to break out of custody during the Sacking and managed to help start up some sort of major gang calling themselves the Black Sun. I serve my time quietly, but once I'm out and back on the streets, Rex has the choobie's to reach out to me. Says he has an idea, and some gifts. Now, I'm not at liberty to say what happened next. But let's just say Rex the Ripper... he's out of the picture. And I've gone legit, I promise. Rex had left me a freighter, and what better use for a freighter than running shipments for law abiding citizens and the Republic, right? Trust me... you want someone like me getting your shipment from port A to port B. [/hider] [/hider]