[right][b]Darth Embrus's Stronghold[/b] 18:00, , 1333 PRE[/right] Sleek, dark metal rose high into the sky among the ancient stone and rust that made up most of the standing buildings on Korriban, and the setting sun gave it a gleaming halo. It was designed with the express intent to intimidate, and Darth Embrus could see its effects on the Acolyte that stood before him in the center of the old stone plaza that sat in front of the main entrance, though his awestruck attention also seemed to be pulled toward the Mandalorian standing silently two steps away from Embrus. The Overseer that had brought this young man to display his skills was less impressed by both the building and the mercenary, but then she had been there many times before to escort students of the Sith Academy who believed themselves worthy of Darth Embrus's attention. He humored them most of the time, but more often than not they were sent away with an earful of scathing criticism. "Was that mess meant to impress me?" There was no need for the Acolyte to look at his face to know that his mouth was turned downward in a sneer, thanks to the venom dripping off the words. Truly the Human's performance of lightsaber forms and Force powers had been above average, but that question was always the first he asked of those hoping to become his Apprentice, and often the [i]only[/i] one asked. The Acolyte shook his head. "No, of course not. It was meant only to show you my potential." The Overseer's eyes narrowed in disappointment; the last hopeful student she'd brought before Darth Embrus had said something similar in response to the question and was sent away with scornful laughter. There were, of course, reasons she had never risen beyond the role of Overseer. Darth Embrus's sneer turned into a faint smile as he nodded. Where the prior hopeful Acolyte had been donning feigned humility in a pitiful attempt to please, this one gave off an aura of sincere reflection on his inadequacy. "Good. You're not quite ready, but perhaps soon you will be." He turned a more obvious smile on the Overseer, born in large part from his amusement at her confusion. "He's got the perfect build and mentality for Djem So, but you incompetents have been focusing his training on Soresu. Correct that mistake and bring him back in a few months." The Overseer, a woman whose name Embrus had never bothered to learn, simply nodded and turned to leave before her anger could boil over and make her do something she might not live to regret, and the Acolyte gave him a respectful nod before he turned to follow. "As fun as that was..." Zaek's dryly sarcastic remark did not require any further words to make it clear just how bored he was. "Before the interruption, we were discussing matters of payment. My services are worth double what you've been paying me, and we both know it." "Ah, yes." Darth Embrus turned on heel and swept past the Mandalorian, beckoning for him to follow. "It's a good thing I like you, else I'd have cut you in half for your impertinence long ago." The Mandalorian's snorted laugh was almost enough to make him follow through on the threat. "You could try. Ever tried cutting through [i]beskar[/i]? You'd be better off throwing me around with your damned Force power. That way you'd actually win." It was a clearly calculated insult, and the audacity of it amused Embrus enough to soothe his anger. Even if he threw Zaek around like a rag doll, it would be admitting that he was not good enough to best the fabled Mandalorian armor with his lightsabers alone. Attacking with just a lightsaber would perhaps be a fatal mistake if the first blow was not a killing blow, but to do otherwise would be to admit weakness. "You're a clever little bastard, I'll give you that. I ought to pay you for your wit rather than your skill with a blaster." "I'll pass. I'm looking to double my pay, not cut it in half." The odd pair shared a laugh as they strolled back into the Stronghold, greeted by the sounds of clashing lightsabers and grunts of exertion from Darth Embrus's favored students hard at work in the training hall. Rather than heading toward the sound, he led the way to his study and left the students to fend for themselves for the rest of their evening practice. This was far from the first time the Mandalorian had asked for a raise in his pay, but doubling it was a new extreme. Embrus was inclined to grant the request for one simple reason: Zaek was in fact worth the credits. Giving in and saying yes right away would be no fun though, so there were many more insults and jokes to be made before the deal was struck.