(I'm back from Washington DC and mostly caught up.) [@bloonewb] Aerta looked around at the kobolds, worried that she would be escorted out or expelled, or maybe even attacked. She was, after all, the wife of Adykon, someone who was not against Xigyll, but definitely not an ally either. He knew she was here and he was in favor of attaining peace, as was Aerta. "Some water, and a bit of fruit, please" she remarked, trying hard to concentrate. Although escape was as simple as willing her teleportation magic to work once more, she knew that a sudden departure would jeopardize her entire mission, and she was not accustomed to failure. Worse still, said failure could lead to war, either within Xigyll or between the kobold state and one of the many dracon realms. In fact, it was the former which concerned her the most. "I am glad to see the light of knowledge extended to this corner of the continent. Indeed, I have always been an advocate for more libraries in the dracon realms, yet I fear your plans, or any such plans for education will be for nothing if Rughoi's kingdom falls apart. Those changes in rank that I mentioned, they usually portend a coming civil war. Lines are being drawn, and I fear that should something happen to your husband before he has a secure heir in place, there will be a scramble for power in this land. As you said, these matters are Rughoi's, so I would advise that you bring this matter up with him." [@Shadow Dragon] "Removing glyphs is simple enough once you understand the nature of lang-" Ophion's impromptu lecture was cut short by the sound of bones shuffling down the hall. Sure enough, he spotted six armed dracon skeletons shambling down the far end of the hall. "I was wondering when we'd get some entertainment. About time. Care to join me? I'll save half of them for you, don't worry." Eager for battle, a bright orange-gold magical glow emerged from Ophion's hands as he spoke.