[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Jo2Zf7y.png[/img][/center] [hider=Reources] 🍱 [u][b][color=00aeef]Interactions[/color][/b][/u] 🍣 [i][@Allycat][/i] 🍣 [i][@PrinceAlexus][/i] 🍱 [u][b][color=00aeef]Location[/color][/b][/u] 🍣 [i]Shinagi Sushi.[/i] 🍣 [i]Light Lane.[/i] 🍱 [u][b][color=00aeef]Time[/color][/b][/u] 🍣 [i]Early Afternoon.[/i] 🍣 [i]Lunch.[/i] [/hider] [hr] Yet another familiar face, Layne finished his previous order, and saw the customer making her way out of the restaurant. This most recent arrival was Manami, a celebrity of sorts. Layne recalled how his younger brother had a massive crush on the woman, and the thought would bring a chuckle to his lips. Indeed, she was a beautiful sight, without fault. If perfection presented its visage for all to see, Manami was surely it. However, it was reasonable to assume that glamour and such unsurpassed splendor sheltered a darker truth. It was so often the case, which was a sad development, surely. [color=00aeef]"Miss. Takahashi,"[/color] came a rehearsed response from the young chef, his dark eyes meeting her as she stepped through the front door. [color=00aeef]"Heh, variating your diet, today?"[/color] Layne asked with playful intent, that tender and small smirk on his lips lingering for but a moment, before he slipped on a new pair of gloves. [color=00aeef]"Of course, Miss. Takahashi, you can't go wrong with salmon rolls,"[/color] the chef explained, reaching for another fileted fish which he had previously prepared. Layne had long since lost count of these meals, where a seemingly endless supply of salmon was deboned and prepared for later use. A repeated routine, if there ever was one, which the young chef had mastered to the point of preforming the task with eyes closed. Removing the lid from a rice container, Layne gathered a mass of cooked grains into his palm and formed a row of balls which would later be used in the process of finishing Miss. Takahashi's meal. This was, of course, continued by expertly sliced salmon, which was strewn onto the rice balls, with just a touch of wasabi added for a more spicy bite. Coating a rectangular plate in aquatic delicacies, Layne placed the porcelain atop the bar counter for Miss. Takahashi to indulge. She had free access to miso soup, of course, considering her choice to dine at the restaurant, and a pleasant cup of oriental tea was waiting for her to finish a hearty meal. [color=00aeef]"Himura has been asking about you for the longest time,"[/color] Layne expressed with a soft sigh, accompanied by an awkward smile. [color=00aeef]"His crush doesn't seem to fade,"[/color] the young chef continued with a chuckle, before those large, dark eyes shifted towards a new arrival, entering the restaurant. She seemed regal, indeed, this new customer. An aura of authority surrounding her, for sure. At her side, there was another, a man who appeared somewhat daunting, but perhaps it was Layne's small stature which painted the man a factor of intimidation. Indeed, the chef was a tiny soul, small in both presence and shape, making most at his side appear larger, and more prevalent. [color=00aeef]"Welcome,"[/color] the boy eventually uttered, shaking a myriad of thoughts from circling his mind. This customer appeared far more high reaching than most who visited Shinagi Sushi. Hopefully, she would enjoy the meal. She, of course, and her company. [color=00aeef]"How may I be of service today, Miss?"[/color]