[img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/588fc603-e8b4-4229-91cd-fc778698d4a5/d2thyat-94a5a6b9-2770-4272-ad82-4cbf553becf7.jpg/v1/fill/w_1349,h_592,q_70,strp/alien_landscape_by_154600lire_d2thyat-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9NjI0IiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNTg4ZmM2MDMtZThiNC00MjI5LTkxY2QtZmM3Nzg2OThkNGE1XC9kMnRoeWF0LTk0YTVhNmI5LTI3NzAtNDI3Mi1hZDgyLTRjYmY1NTNiZWNmNy5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9MTQyMCJ9XV0sImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c2VydmljZTppbWFnZS5vcGVyYXRpb25zIl19.stipCOmDttdLSbQDxTD_unFWjFhIs8GKQWcmCROv-IA[/img] [b][u]Surface of Agdemnar VII[/u][/b] Agdemnar VII, a world devoid of all life, no animals, no trees, no grass, no greenery to be seen whatsoever, and not a living being in sight. The planet was nothing but a barren wasteland, an ideal location for a secret meeting far from prying eyes. A Salvation Dropship came souring through the darkened skies, its screeching engines echoing through the empty valleys below. The ship continued its journey for a short while longer before it had arrived at the designated meeting point for both parties, the dropship made its slow descent towards the flattened ground, causing a small dust storm as dirt whirled around it. The troop bay hatch lowered, revealing Admiral Garza and Captain Hanu encased in protective environmental suits, flanked by three armored marines as they stepped out into the the rather bleak and unwelcoming sight that was Agdemnar VII. A gale of wind brought dust billowing in front of them, obscuring their view of the desolate surface for a few moments. As the gust subsided, they could see strange, red-black shapes approaching in the distance, their movements fluid, but at the same time calculated and methodical. Garza couldn't exactly make out what they were from so far away, but something in his gut made it clear enough; they were walkers. When the distance finally closed between them, it became obvious enough what they were. His gut was right beyond a doubt. A pair of mechanized walkers, assembled somewhere within Kadathi space. In their left arm was some sort of lance-like implement, on their right, a long tube that could only be described as the barrel for a beam weapon. Most unusually however, was the absence of the White Sun, a Kadathi symbol emblazoned in some form on all military assets. What replaced it instead was the image of an eagle, wings outstretched, and an all-seeing eye carved into its chest. After a brief moment, the sound of a gas discharge filled the air as the walkers' cockpit blocks separated from the main chassis, small lifts slowly ferrying down two power armoured individuals to the surface. Although machines of such scale and firepower were not alien to the Admiral or to the Ascendancy as a whole, he and his entourage still couldn't help but stare in awe of what giants stood before them, the Kadathi were quite the masters of this new form of war machine, an art that the Ascendancy and quite a few other powers have begun to practice in as well, fielding their own, if somewhat imperfect designs. However, upon closer inspection, he took notice of the Ministry's emblem printed upon the machines, a red flag if he's ever seen one, Garza has known all too well of the Ministry's...actions against those of the Ashtari Faith, untold numbers of brothers and sisters slain by their hand. Now the Ministry had seemingly been given access to higher grade military hardware, a worrying revelation indeed. Garza cautiously stepped forward to meet the Ministry's faceless emissaries, his guards and second quickly following behind, Hanu clearly sensing the tension in the air as the two parties soon met face to face. Garza inspected one of the individuals closer, his blood starting to boil. "Nyklaus Sazan.." Garza spoke with a venomous tone. He could recognize that face from anywhere, this man was after all, his son's killer. Gilliam Garza was among the many "Advisors" sent by the Ascendancy in their covert efforts to support the Ashtari Sects that choose to remain, and spread the faith. In the Ministry's many raids against these sects, Gilliam's team failed to flee in time before a raid led by Nyklaus Sazan, stormed the compound and killed all within, the Advisors included. The non-Saralai bodies discovered sparked an incident between the Imperial Union and the Ascendancy, the Council swiftly disavowing the Advisors as "rogue" elements. The fallen had gone unnamed publicly, quietly forgotten, but privately, they were given proper burials and their families were compensated for their collective loss. With Wallace's connections in the military, he was the first to discover his son's death at the hands of Sazan, his world shattering in that instant. He stood before the man that took his son. His hands trembling as the urge to grab his pistol was all consuming. He could make one clean shot and avenge his son. "You killed my boy.." He mumbled. Sazan's face, visible only through the dusty translucent visor was struck with a moment of confusion, and then clarity. Garza, a family he had dealt with once before, on that winter night in northern Tynaria over six years ago. "I had to do what was necessary, Admiral Garza." He began, choosing his words carefully, his pace slow and methodical. "I do not know what you may have heard in the Ascendancy, but it was the warriors of the Penitent Blade that fired the first shot. I gave them a chance to surrender, to stand down and end it without shedding any blood. They would have faced a fair trial had they done so. Instead, they opened fire when I gave them that chance. Tell me, what other choice did I have?" "..You had your duty, Sazan.." Wallace replied. "And I have mine." He pulled out his pistol without hesitation, aiming right for Sazan's frontal visor. ready to make the shot, ready to finally put his son's soul to rest, let his killer bleed to death or suffocate in Agdemnar VII's toxic atmosphere, eve if he were to die where he stood, he knew would have done some good in the galaxy. Before he could even pull the trigger, Captain Hanu quickly pushed his arms downward. "Admiral!???!" She cried out in confusion. "Sir! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" "This man...no this heathen murdered my son!" Six years of grief soon overcame the Admiral, any rationality that was, was no more in that moment. "He must answer for this!" Another voice, one laced with a feminine, synthetic tone rang out as Sazan's companion moved forward to block Garza's line of fire. "I would recommend you not open fire." Nightingale declared with a degree of assertion as her right hand reached for her sidearm without unholstering it. "Such an action would jeopardize any chance of forging a mutual cooperation." Her left hand pointed in the direction of Captain Hanu. "You there, officer, I detect that the Admiral is, in the most polite way of phrasing it, emotionally compromised. I suggest that if negotiations are to continue, that he be returned to his vessel." Before long two of the marine guards were quick to restrain the Admiral, clearly understanding the severity of the situation at hand. "This is insubordination!" Wallace shouted out. I order you to release me!" "Take him back to the ship." Hanu ordered. Both marines nodded and returned to the dropship, the third remaining to guard the captain. She turned back to face Nightingale and Sazan. "I must apologize for the Admiral's outburst. "She said sheepishly. "I will gladly take his place to negotiate on behalf of the Crusaders." In the brief moment of ordeal, the Captain had failed to notice something rather...odd about Sazan's attendant, the synthesized voice was certainly an indicator. "My apologies for being the cause of that ordeal. I knew that my reputation preceded me but I was entirely unaware the Admiral himself would be one to have been affected by my...actions. If I had known, I would've dispatched someone else in my stead. Nevertheless, let us begin the negotiations." Sazan declared. Sazan stepped forward from behind his adjutant, his visor turning to address Captain Hanu. His gaze flitted momentarily between her and the marines, as if evaluating them. "Under orders of His Imperial Majesty's Government, the Ministry of State Security has been dispatched to this system in an effort to prevent the Commonwealth from uncovering the secrets of Point Jakurna. The [i]Special Action Division[/i], led by myself, has flown here to achieve that goal. From what I know of the Crusaders, you are here to secure the Holy Land, thus I believe that our objectives intertwine." "That is correct." Hanu replied. "We've all volunteered for this, and...it hasn't been easy." She paused, breathing in and out, her nerves were getting the better of her, Hanu has never been in such a position before, she was prepared to follow whatever the Admiral had to say to secure this temporary alliance, not to carry on with the negotiations by herself, pushed down any fears and processed. "As the third highest authority in the Crusade, we are willing to work alongside the S.A.D. to both achieve a common goal, and to combat a common enemy." "On that front, we are in agreement then." Sazan nodded, narrowing his eyes. "Of course in the end, once your Holy Land is secured, are the secrets of the Ashtar not your goal? I am willing to lend you aid, but at the same time I cannot return to Matros empty-handed." Nightingale nodded in agreement, and stepped forward to speak. "Simply put, in exchange for the S.A.D's support, we request access to a small portion of whatever that is eventually found under Point Jakurna, and if we make it that far, what lies on the Ashtar homeworld of Ayrie as well." "..."She was silent, the end goal for both parties would of course be divergent, possibly contrary to one another, but this was out of the question in her mind, even if they were allies for now, it would be outright blasphemous to give nonbelievers acess to Paradise, the Realm of the Gods. "I...it isn't my place to make such a decision...not now, all I can guarantee is joint efforts against the Commonwealth, what happens after...I cannot say for sure. Unforeseen Circumstances may grant us what we all wish for." Within his mind, Sazan sighed. Of course that wouldn't work. In hindsight, he probably should have tried demanding a larger chunk, and then haggling towards something in favour of the Crusaders. Nevertheless, it was too late to backtrack now. He'd have to take what he can get. If S.A.D couldn't get their hands on whatever was under that shield, then he'd have to content himself with the fact he could ensure that the Commonwealth's "rogue fleet" wouldn't be able to either. "Very well then. I pledge my support to the Crusaders in opposing the forces of the Commonwealth. My ships will fight alongside you. Though in future, correspondence between our two fleets will have to be conducted through my adjutant. I am sure neither of us want a repeat of that ordeal." He stretched out a hand to shake, encased in the plating of his powered suit. Hanu reached out in kind as both shook hands. "Then we are in agreement. I'll see to it that the Admiral remains more...level-headed, we've have bigger concerns at the moment." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This post was a collaboration between [@Predawnia] and [@Sigma].