Jack sits on his throne as he wipes some sweat off. A little while later a soldier runs in saying "My lord. There was a response to you're message sent earlier." Aa he hands over the letter. Jack opens the letter and reads it. He grabs a piece of parchment and a quill with ink and begins writing back, "Now that we have agreed, we shall meet at the site of our last battle in 24 hours with exchange items. Three gaurds each. No more, no less. If any treachery is detected, it will result in a quite unsavory battle for both of us. Sincerely, the Werewolf King." He seals the letter with his royal seal and hands it to the soldier who promptly ties it to another ravens leg and sends it off. "Soldiers. Begin preparation for the prisoner exchange immediately!" He orders three of his gaurds who are in the room.