The sight that unfolded in front of An-Hasst did not exactly add to the Skayleigh's comfort. Wasn't this supposed to be a game of hide-and-seek ? Now of course his knowledge of a true giant's culture was anything but very profound, but still he strongly supposed that hammering onto some object with ferocity was not an ordinary part of the game... The problem was that he couldn't see what it was they were attacking, but An-Hasst's gut feeling was quick to realize that the possibility of it being Calanon was very real. If this was true their elven companion either was [i]damn[/i] fast on his feet or already dead. The Skayleigh lept forward, compensating for a bunch of the smaller sized bumps of the rocky ground, but only barely managed to stop his supersized self in front of a cliff that was way too high in order to skipped by jumping downwards. Trying to calculate his momentum, An-Hasst reversed a few steps, then started to sprint and jumped as forcefully as he could. The other side of the cliff passed right below his feet before his not so subtle landing. An-Hasst probably could not expect others of the party to follow him as quickly, at least not all of them. [color=yellow]"Calanon!"[/color] his thunderous, shouting voice roamed accross the landscape. He honestly hoped to attract some of the giants' attention since now he could see that they indeed were attacking their elven companion. While repeating his callout, An-Hasst continued his approach as quickly as he could. [@The Fated Fallen][@POOHEAD189][@BCTheEntity][@Gardevoiran]