Aro stood there next to the desk as Petros examined the fossil that he had brought back. Petros was one of the Senior Researchers and Scientific development lead at Genesect Corp. Due to the nature of the job Aro had to bring all findings from his field work to the lab to be examined before anything else could be done with them, it could sometimes take hours for Petros to DNA scan the fossils and find out which Pokemon they belonged too. “I don’t want to speak to soon but I think this may be a piece of old amber. Encased within the Amber will be the DNA of a Pokemon no doubt.” Petros muttered still looking down his microscope at the specimen before him. “Thank you Aro, now I believe you have been called into Study room 427 by Miss Amy” He continued this time looking up at Aro. Aro rolled his eyes and frowned, he was grateful to the Genesect Corp for saving him, but sometimes he couldn’t help but think that they should be more grateful to him, after all he had become their best fossil hunter. “Thanks Petros, I’ll be back soon with some better fossils” He sighed as he left the room, knowing that Miss Amy wasn’t his biggest fan. He followed along the narrow silver corridors before reaching a large open room. Inside the room, a lot of machinery, half of which Aro still hasn’t seen in use. The other side of her room stood Miss Amy with a new face. He studied the appearance of the new male and then that of his Pokemon, something didn’t sit right with Aro. He slowly approached Miss Amy, hearing her drab monotone voice getting louder as he approached. He sometimes wish he had been killed so that he didn’t have to hear her voice ever again. “You wanted to see me Miss Amy?” Aro said rather unenthusiastically