[h3]Caw's Turn | Init: 4[/h3] HP 09/09 +3 | Status: None [hr] [color=silver]Despite his best efforts, the fruit refused to stick. Caw was growing increasingly desperate, letting out a series of distressed noises; animal ones, human ones, anything that came to him. When he heard Sebastian speak his name, he was certain a scolding was to follow. Much to his surprise, that was not the case. His voice did not sound angry, and what little Caw could catch of his face before the man turned to walk away did not look threatening. The kenku blinked, surprised, curious-- and taken aback. Sebastian would look away, for him? Caw was so preoccupied by his act of kindness, that he almost missed another one. Rhayela had walked up to him, offering him a smile and a solution. Caw nodded slowly, carefully placing his fruit next to hers. He gave it a few gentle pats as if to make up for his transgression towards it, then turned to his friend. [color=#94cecc]"Good[/color] [color=fdc68a]now,"[/color] he informed her, then continued, more to convince himself than her: [color=9e0b0f]"Don't worry about it."[/color] Easy enough a task, it turned out. Soon enough, they had much more pressing matters to worry about. It started with columns of smoke, rising from a town in the distance. Greenrest; their destination. Smoke heralded fire, a warning to turn the other way and keep a distance - yet Cassandra did not heed it. For reasons unknown, she spurred her horse into a gallop towards the city. And then the real trouble began. A loud, booming sound followed another, then another, then another, as if multiple thunderstorms had all roared out their wrath at once. For a brief moment, something blotted out the sun. When Caw saw lightning pour from the monster's mouth, he could not help but think it fitting. The enormous blue monster was thunder made manifest. He'd read of them, creatures like this one, and wondered what it might be to soar the skies like they did. Now, he didn't even dare wonder. Caw shrunk where he stood, regarding the creature with equal parts awe and fear. Seeing a dragon was a dream come true; seeing it this close was a waking nightmare. He was ready to turn tail. But before he could get far, Sebastian's words brought him to a halt. Not his title, nor his family name - but the two simple words that rung in his ears long after the man was done talking. [i]'Help me'.[/i] Sebastian had helped him many a time. It was only right that he repaid him in kind. Caw stepped up to the noble, trying to stand tall like him. Considering his diminutive size, the effect wasn't quite the same. For once, he was glad to borrow someone else's voice; his own would've likely trembled. [color=9e0b0f]"Help,"[/color] he promised. But... [i]how?[/i] What could he do? What could [i]any [/i]of them do? Hearing Rhayela call out to him shook Caw from his thoughts. He turned just in time to see her make towards Sebastian's horse - the only one they had left now. She must've had a plan of some sort. Whatever it was, it was more than Caw had - so he scurried after her. He found his place on the horse's back, holding on for dear life as it dashed towards the city. As the rushing wind filled Caw's eyes with smoke and his ears with a high howl, he lost track of time. The ride felt endless, yet it ended too fast. He'd held on so as to not be flung off for an eternity, but he'd only had a moment to prepare for what was to come. None of it made sense. He was scared. The voice he managed to breathe out was not, and for that, he was eternally thankful. [color=#f2c4fc]"Perfect!"[/color] The squeal of a lady admiring a golden ring was not a voice entirely fit for the occasion, but it was much better an answer than a scared squawk. Rhayela was kind, he knew. If she caught wind of his distress, she'd be worried. There was already plenty to be worried about everywhere around them. Kobolds were the latest addition to that list. Caw counted seven, all hostile. Their behaviour was a stark contrast to what Caw had seen of Vaal, yet it fit what he'd read of them many a year ago. The books had not told him what to do in a situation like this. Rhayela seemed to know. She pulled out a dart and launched it at the creatures, catching one straight in the head. It fell. Now there were six. Ever so slowly, Caw reached for his bow. He pressed his legs tightly against the sides of the horse and kept his form low. He let out the sound of an arrow sticking into flesh as if to let Rhayela know what he was about to do, then fired. With that, there were five.[/color] [hider=Turn Summary]Caw fires an arrow [[url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/14678]20[/url]] at one of the Kobold, dealing [[url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/rolls/14679]9[/url]] damage on hit, if successful.[/hider]