Penelope shifted easily as he spoke, unsure how to take his first words. As he went on to say that it was ok to go to him with questions so long as she didn't jump to conclusions first, the knight nodded her head in agreement. She was glad that it sounded like Crow was forgiving her for the slight mess and hurt she had caused him. It would have been much worse if he hadn't accepted her words after all. However, she was still caught off guard when he wrapped her up in an embrace. Penelope blinked and looked up at him as he went on to reassure her of her worth. Hearing him speaking of her so highly, she felt a bit of embarrassment for getting so worked up before. The knight should have known better but it had been difficult at the time to remind herself of such things. Penelope looked up at him and smiled as he touched a kiss to her forehead. "Thank you." she murmured softly as she wrapped her arms around him and rested her head against his chest. She felt herself relax a bit. She was still mad at herself for hurting him but at least he seemed to realize it wasn't based past lies. The knight didn't want him thinking she was paranoid of history repeating itself when that wasn't the case. "I'm sorry about this mess I caused." she sighed softly and pulled back slightly to meet his gaze. Penelope gave him a half hearted smile. "I love you, though Crow, and I do trust you. There's nothing you have done in the past that would make me worry about it now." Feeling a fondness for him, she leaned up and pressed an affectionate kiss to his lips. As she pulled back, a gleam sparked in her gaze as she remembered a more light hearted topic that she had been meaning to tell him about. "Speaking of something to be proud of," Penelope smiled up at him hopefully. "I got letters in yesterday from some of the nobles I wrote. Including those barons. That other lieutenant, Jonathan, actually helped me out a great deal. Practically all the letters were ones of support for a peaceful end to the war. If this party goes as well as I hope, I think we might be able to pull this off still."