[center] [h1][color=orange][b][u]Kalmar[/u][/b][/color][/h1] [/center] [hr] [color=orange]"Do you see that wolf, Valys?"[/color] Kalmar whispered. Valys, who wore the cloak Kalmar had given her, over some loose garb made of more fur, nodded. They stood crouched in some bushes, watching as a wolf feasted on a recently slain deer. [color=orange]"Tell me... why does the wolf deserve to live more than the deer?"[/color] She thought about the moment. The wolf had killed the deer, proving it was stronger, and thus giving it the right to feed off the kill. Was that what her creator wanted to hear? But that made little sense. If the deer had somehow killed the wolf, would the deer eat the wolf? Likely not - Kalmar had told her that deers only ate plants. Furthermore, why was something more deserving of life just because in one specific encounter it happened to be stronger, or more clever? "It doesn't," she replied, after some thought, expecting to see either a frown or a furrowed brow. To her surprise, Kalmar nodded instead. [color=orange]"You're right. It doesn't,"[/color] he shifted his gaze back to the wolf. [color=orange]"Most creatures do not deserve death. Most also do not deserve to live. But things die and are born nonetheless. The wolf killed the deer because it needed to eat. Had the deer escaped, the wolf would have killed something else, or starved and died. If there were no wolves to keep the deer population low, their numbers would swell, and they would consume more and more - competing for food with other plant-eating creatures, which would result in more death and hunger."[/color] He looked back to her. [color=orange]"You see, Valys, when something dies in the wild, it is not a question of deserve. It is simply the way it is."[/color] His words, though depressing, were sensible, and she found herself nodding in response. It was grim, but this was the world as it had been created, and it seemed some level of death and conflict was required in order to maintain it. Still, one thing did not sit well with her. "My people..." [color=orange]"Your people have become part of this cycle and this balance like all others,"[/color] Kalmar responded almost gently. [color=orange]"You do not exist above it or outside of it. Whether or not you will find yourself at the top or at the bottom depends entirely on how your actions. But I assure you, you do have the potential to rise to the top, and I will help you achieve it."[/color] he handed her his bow, along with an arrow. [color=orange]"Take the shot."[/color] She accepted the bow, reluctantly. Kalmar had already showed her how to use it, and she did her best to imitate what he had demonstrated. She nocked the arrow, pointed it at the wolf, drew the string back, and loosed. The arrow flew forward with supernatural force, but it had not been aimed well-enough. It hit the wolf's leg with bone-shattering force, and the wolf fell as it let out a sudden pained yelp. It rose to its feet and began to painfully limp away, making a desperate and futile attempt at escape. Valys winced, while Kalmar adopted a sympathetic look - whether it was for her or for the wolf, none could say. The Hunter rose to his feet, and pulled forth a new tool from his belt. A pouch attached to a long length of string. He slipped a stone into the pouch, reared the string back, and then swung forward, allowing the stone to fly. It struck the wolf directly in the head, piercing its skull, embedding in its brain, and killing it instantly. [color=orange]"You will need to improve your aim,"[/color] he said to her. [color=orange]"Try holding your breath when you take a shot, and do not be nervous. If you are to kill something, you owe it that creature to ensure the kill is as quick and painless as possible."[/color] They skinned the wolf, and brought it back to where a dozen Vallamir were gathered. A fire was prepared, and as the meat was cooked, Kalmar took the time to address the group. [color=orange]"This,"[/color] he said, taking the weapon from Valys, [color=orange]"is a bow. It can kill targets at great distances, if wielded by an accurate shooter. The problem, as my avatar discovered when he introduced it to the Selka, is that it is difficult to make, and requires a great deal of skill to learn. So I made an alternative."[/color] He handed the weapon back to Valys, and then pulled the strange, strung pouch from his belt. [color=orange]"I call this a sling,"[/color] he declared. [color=orange]"It is far easier to make, and can deal great damage if used correctly, but is far more difficult to master. But I know you are capable, so I will show you how to make and use them."[/color] And show them he did. It wasn't difficult - it just required a bit of leather, and some sort of cord - which could be made either from more leather, a vine, or some hair. He would show more, and they would pass it on to others. [hr] The next day, Kalmar and Valys set out, leaving that group behind. "Where are we going?" Valys had asked him. [color=orange]"West,"[/color] he answered in an almost dismissive tone. But Valys stopped and frowned. "I'm new to this world," she told him, "but even I know that shouldn't be an adequate answer." Kalmar stopped as well, looking at her with an expression which ranged between annoyance and amusement. [color=orange]"To the mainland. Where we will find more Vallamir,"[/color] he said, and with those words he continued walking. They reached the island's coast not too long after. Valys was about to ask how they were to proceed, but Kalmar raised his hands. The lake parted, and a great stone bridge emerged, spanning the several dozen kilometers between them and the other shore. It was supported by pillars but possessed no railings of any kind. The top was smooth and flat, while the underside was rounded. Valys was astonished. Kalmar had told her of his power, how he had raised a continent and created entire species, but to witness a demonstration of that power was another thing entirely. And an act such as this was only a fraction of the achievements he listed... She was snapped out of her awe when she saw that Kalmar was already striding forward, and hastily moved to follow him. [hr] For years, Valys accompanied Kalmar. They encountered other bands of Vallamir, and shared knowledge with them. They taught them how to survive in the lands of Kalgrun, and gave advice on how to deal with the various creatures. Kalmar told them of the other gods; gods who had not created him, but still had a key role to play nonetheless. Those who stood out to Kalmar, who managed to impress him through either word or action, were invited to come with them. A sizeable group had formed, and though he gave them no name, many had begun to whisper that they were his 'Chosen.' To be singled out by a god while thousands of others were not brought a certain sense of pride, though Kalmar was quick to warn them about letting it go to their heads. Sometimes, Kalmar would look at one of them, and inexplicably cast them out, as if they had suddenly stopped being worthy. And it seemed they had, for Kalmar always followed such an occurrence up with another warning about not becoming too proud or entitled. Although the teachings of Kalmar, Roog, and Arae had managed to keep the vast majority alive, thousands had perished in the first winter. One of whom Valys had even grown close to. It had been a tragedy, and a heartbreak, and she nearly grew disillusioned with Kalmar and those who followed him. But then she recalled his teachings, and slowly began to regain her faith. Many of the Vallamir had come to look upon her as a leader. She was, after all, one of the first of their species - second only to Karamir, of whom they only knew tales of - and the first to become one of 'Kalmar's Chosen.' Additionally, it was clear to all that Kalmar respected her and placed some value to her thoughts. Remembering Kalmar's warnings, she resolved that whatever authority she now possessed, she would take seriously. Kalmar himself began to change over the years. It seemed as if the longer they travelled, the more talkative he became. As the years went on, he began to frown less and smile more. The most noteworthy change, however, was his appearance. He had been clean shaven when Valys first met him, but had since allowed his facial hair to grow out into a short beard. He once wore furs, much like they wore now, but had since changed to a new and finer attire: a long-sleeved green shirt and pants, as well as brown leather vest, gloves, and boots, and lastly a bright red cape. It was certainly well beyond their means to craft. When she asked why he wore it, he explained it was to distinguish himself. After all, what stopped a common mortal from claiming to be Kalmar? Valys pointed out that they could simply demand he demonstrate his power, to which Kalmar replied: [color=orange]"And do you think most would so readily make demands of a god?"[/color] That made sense, Valys had to admit. On the tenth year of their travels, Kalmar led them back to the Hunter's Eye. [hr] They were at the center of the island, in woods which were almost sacred to most of them (given the island's remoteness and difficulty to reach), when Arryn came upon them. [color=brown]"Master. It is complete."[/color] Kalmar nodded. [color=orange]"Well done. Lead us there."[/color] The bird nodded, and began to fly from branch to branch, Kalmar and the Vallamir following behind. Many of the Vallamir were already whispering to themselves. What was complete? What did Kalmar have to show them? Was this why they came back to the island in the first place? It was the children among them - those who had been born over the course of the journey - who spoke the most excitedly, and had to be hushed by their parents. Eventually they came across a stone wall, perhaps fifteen-feet high. An opening, twenty-feet wide, led into a a courtyard, and in the center was a stone building - everything else was an empty field of grass. The Vallamir marveled at it. Aside from the bridge, they had never seen anything so advanced. Yet even as they stopped to gape, Kalmar continued to walk forward, and Valys followed him. They entered the building, passing by the rounded columns before the entrance, and stepped into a dimly lit room. The room itself was almost empty - an expanse of cold stone, twice as long as it was wide, lit only by the sunlight which poured through the window slits. At the far end was a stone totem of a bird, perhaps ten feet high, with a single eye and outstretched wings. "What is this place?" Valys asked, as the Vallamir filed in behind them. [color=orange]"I'll call it the Oracle,"[/color] Kalmar said, as he continued on toward it. Some followed, a few remained at the entrance, while others began to spread out across the room in order to better take it in. There was enough space to make them all feel tiny and insignificant by comparison. Kalmar pressed a hand against the Oracle's stone, which had been shaped to resemble the feathered hide of a bird. [color=orange]"Tell me about griffins,"[/color] he commanded. The eye began to glow, and suddenly a griffin appeared within the center of the room. While children hid behind their parents, every adult either simultaneously drew their weapons or made their way to the exit. One had already loosed a stone at the beast... only for it to pass straight through and shatter on the floor. [color=orange]"It's just an image,"[/color] he said. Tentatively, Valys approached the 'griffin' and reached out to touch it... only for her hand to pass straight through it. Nearby, an illusion of a Vallamir had also been conjured, to give the projection a sense of scale. "Griffins are a birdlike species that resides in western Kalgrun. They have the upper half of an eagle, and the lower half of a feline. They make their nests in mountains, and have a lifespan of roughly twenty years. When hunting them, it is advised to use either long piercing weapons, or ranged weapons..." The explanation went on. Kalmar turned to face his followers. [color=orange]"If you are hunting a specific type of creature, this will tell you where to find it, how to track it, and how to kill it. I have invested a great deal of my power into it. But a location like this is sacred; some may seek to destroy it, or to abuse it. I need people to maintain and guard it. Are you up to the task?"[/color] Valys was the first to step forward. She crossed her fist against her chest and dipped her head. "We are!" she declared. Dozens of others soon followed. "We are!" they echoed. None refused. Kalmar smiled. [color=orange]"Good. This is your purpose now. You will guard this location and the island it sits upon from threats, and in return you may call this temple your home. Valys, I would have you lead them. Does anyone object?"[/color] None did. Kalmar was, after all, their creator. Not their only creator, but the chief one. It was he who raised the land that they now stood on, and it was he who created their progenitor. A slight grin flickered across Kalmar's features. [color=orange]"Good. Arryn will be responsible for ensuring that the information stored within the Oracle remains up to date. As for the rest of you: I leave you to it. It is time for you to act without my constant guidance."[/color] Some appeared saddened by this news, and one or two even looked frightened, but for the most part, Kalmar's Chosen nodded resolutely. They had been given a sacred duty by the one who created them, and they would perform it to the best of their ability. Valys, for her part, felt a certain sense of unease: she had been placed in charge, and responsibility ultimately fell on her shoulders. Would she prove herself worthy? Or would she fail? [hr] [color=orange]"An entire continent? Gone?"[/color] Kalmar asked with a furrowed brow. He stood atop the courtyard wall, Arryn perched on his shoulder. The bird nodded in confirmation. [color=orange]"Might be why K'nell sent Karamir away, then,"[/color] Kalmar noted, before looking up at the new star, glowing brightly in the night sky. [color=orange]"And you say that appeared not too long after?"[/color] Again, the bird nodded. [color=orange]"It's no coincidence,"[/color] Kalmar decided. [color=orange]"Although we still don't know what happened. I like to think K'nell would have better sense than to erase his creations like that, but I never met him, and I don't know enough about him to say that with confidence."[/color] He stroked his chin. [color=orange]"It would be good to know where they went, though."[/color] [color=brown]"What do you intend to do?"[/color] Arryn questioned. [color=orange]"Right now?"[/color] Kalmar asked with a raised brow. [color=orange]"Nothing. But I will be taking a closer look at that star at some point. If it's not there by accident, then it'll be good to know what it does."[/color] The two fell into a long silence. [color=orange]"A shame, though,"[/color] Kalmar eventually continued, looking away so that Arryn could not see his face. [color=orange]"I never did get to see her again after that first meeting. Would have been..."[/color] his voice trailed off, and his gaze did not leave the star. [hr] [hider=Post Summary] We begin with Kalmar giving a dual hunting/philosophy lesson to Valys. He builds a bridge so that mortals can get from the Hunter's Eye to the mainland. Fast forward ten years, they go around teaching things to the Vallamir, which are described in the MP summary. Kalmar picks up a rather large crowd of followers, who refer to themselves as 'Kalmar's Chosen.' A bit pretentious, but he didn't pick the name. Anyway, after ten years he takes them back to the Hunter's Eye, where he has built a Holy Site, detailed below. He leaves Kalmar's Chosen to guard it, declaring Valys to be the leader. Afterward, Kalmar and Arryn ponder over the mysterious fate of Tendlepog and Hermes. Kalmar expresses regret. [/hider] [hider=Might Summary] [u]Kalmar[/u] [b]Beginning MP:[/b] 8 [b]Beginning FP:[/b] 12 [u]Expenditures[/u] -1FP (discounted to 0 via hunting portfolio) to teach the Vallamir how to make slings. -1FP (discounted to 0 via hunting portfolio) to teach the Vallamir how to hunt and track. -1FP to create a bridge on the western side of the Hunter's Eye lake. -2FP to found the Holy Order: "Kalmar's Chosen." -4MP to create a Holy Site: the Oracle of the Hunt. [b]Ending MP:[/b] 4 [b]Ending FP:[/b] 9 [/hider] [hider=Prestige Summary] [u]Kalmar's Chosen[/u] [b]Starting Prestige:[/b] 0 +1 for minor role. +1 for major role. [b]Ending Prestige:[/b] 2 [/hider] [hider=The Oracle of the Hunt] The Oracle of the Hunt is a Holy Site located atop a hill in the center of the Hunter's Eye. Imagine a Greek-style temple like the Parthenon, but it is a dark uniform grey, in the middle of a vast courtyard which is enclosed by a stone wall. Enter the temple itself and you will find a large room that is mostly empty, save for a stone totem of an eagle with only one eye. This totem is a compilation of information regarding the various animals of Galbar: when one touches it and asks about a specific creature, it will project an image of that creature into the center of the room. In a monotone voice that sounds very similar to Arryn, it will then recite where said creature can be found, describe its strengths and weaknesses, and how to hunt it. It is Arryn's duty to ensure the information remains up to date. [/hider]