[@BloodyRed] The elbow strike could have caused damage if Kull's arm had remained straight. He released Red's nose to partially bend his elbow, the blow bopping his arm up a couple inches with a meaty thud. Suddenly, Red was gripping Kull's forearm and seeking an armlock. Kull's eyes briefly widened in surprise and Red took his half-step, casting out his hard-trained technique with confidence. *KRIK* With a grimace of distaste Kull twisted his left hand palm up in his opponent's grip, exposing Red's thumb on the underside of his forearm. Applying his full set of industrial strength fingers to the task of curtly and efficiently freeing himself, Kull's right hand darted out to sieze his opponent's thumb in a beefy fist and wrench it backwards, hard and fast. It was obvious that stocky fighters with thick necks and compact frames made for great grapplers. Their low center of gravity and strong, short limbs afforded a lot of leverage. In a real fight that meant a lot more, especially once they got past the reach of a taller opponent. It meant anything that could be grabbed could be destroyed. It appeared that this concept constituted a considerable portion of Kull's style. The Cap'n didn't take his eyes off Red, ready for a sudden reaction. In his experience most fighters lost their wits as soon as a few bones got broken. They'd react spontaneously, aggressively, carelessly, but Red seemed to have true focus in combat. That was just as well, for although Kull had an impudent tongue he wasn't so impolite as to hold back in a fight.