[center] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/divinus-iii/images/f/f3/Book.png/revision/latest?cb=20190118181451[/img] [h1][color=DarkGray][b][u]Abanoc[/u][/b][/color][/h1] [/center] My encounter with Eurysthenes still sends ripples through my body. I could not see or feel the one responsible for such an act, but they would have to be irredeemably cruel to do so. To erase the self in such a way is a fate worse than death, to us gods as well as mortals it would seem. I cannot focus on my projects with that knowledge in mind… I must do something about it. As memories fall into my domain of Recording it is my duty to combat this blight, regardless of the relation of these cases. Both Melantha and Eurysthenes have suffered a similar fate, though the former seemed less affected than the latter. My understanding of Melantha’s memory loss is limited, from what I gathered from Eurysthenes’ mind I can perhaps find a solution. First I will need a vessel for this power. Standing up from my throne I walked down the steps to the base level. The very marble of my realm shall suffice. Raising my hands, the marble before me followed my movements and morphed as if it were a liquid. When enough had been drawn out, I gave it form, carefully and gently, as if sculpting with it with hammer and chisel. Long locks of pearl white, lean arms and shapely, long legs, a hourglass figure and a face that could be of beauty nothing less than divine if not for the mask covering its upper half. Though I applied not a fraction of the effort the sculptors of my past dedicated to their works, the result was much the same: a work of art. I gently held the face of the statue and laid my forehead to hers. A breath from my lips to hers sprung the marble to life, breathing in the air bearing my essence. [color=DarkGray]“Mnemosyne, my muse of marble. Blessed is your memory, for it is perfect even to the standards of a god.”[/color] [color=OldLace]“As you will it, Master.”[/color] Drawing away from my creation, a robe covered her form as I laid down my arms. [color=OldLace]“Why was I made, Master?[/color] [color=DarkGray]“Two of my siblings had their memories stripped. I imbued you with all the tools I have available to recover damaged memories, and I hope you can raise above me in that aspect. Though it is selfish of me to create life to be used as a tool, I know not other methods to aid my siblings.”[/color] [color=OldLace]“It’s for a noble cause, Master. I’m honored to be of help.”[/color] [color=DarkGray]“Then, we will begin by testing with what I gathered from My Brother Eurysthenes’ mind.”[/color] I know not how long it will take to achieve it, but I shall dedicate all the effort I can spare to repair their memories. I can only hope creating Mnemosyne was not a wasted effort. [hider=Summary] Abanoc can’t get over what happened to Eurysthenes and thinks of a way to fix their memory and Melantha’s. He makes an Avatar, Mnemosyne, from the marble of the Observatory and starts practicing ways to fix broken or corrupt memories from what Abanoc saw in Eurysthenes’ mind. Sooooo yeah. [/hider] [hider=MP/FP Summary] [b]Starting MP:[/b] 22 -2 MP to create an Avatar -2 MP to retroactively upgrade the Observatory to see all of Galbar’s surface [s]which I totally didn’t forget to add in my previous 2 collabs[/s] [b]Ending MP:[/b] 18 [b]Starting FP:[/b] 15 [i]No FP used[/i] [/hider]