[center] [h1] The Final Hunter [/h1] [/center] Yupilgo’s tent was filled with trinkets of the past. An iron spear laid across a wicker chest of old Grottu clothes, and the tools of Ippino were strung from the rafters. The smell of the hunt wafted off of a dimpled stone that laid in a subtle fire, a gentle boil overtaking its contents. Outside the tent, the drills of the Hyummin soldiers could be heard, their wicker, bark and leather shields pounding against their spears, javelins and axes. Yupilgo had recently given his final blessing to a conflict, the K’nights of Tyuppa hoisting him into battle upon his bed, only for the impending battle between the structured Hyummin forces (armed even with the beast of Ippino) and a rogue clan of ne'er do wells to fall flat upon his raspy words -- a K’night shouting them for him. The scene had sapped whatever energy he had left, but saved a few selka lives -- just as his old partner Panganeem would have wanted. Now he laid in the same bed he was carried in, but beside his gentle fire, body frail. His skin was pulled tight across his bones, his blubber limp and his whiskers long. His blind eyes were milky white now, his eye covered discarded in his final years as some romantic attempt to allow them to feel the light of heliopolis despite his handicap, so they may at least enjoy their final moments as he has been. His chest creaked and he let out a hoarse cough, the force moving his blood into his legs and tingling the soles of his wrinkled feet. Any feeling in his toes had been long gone, and as the blood receded, so too did his feet and calves fall numb. He clapped his old lips shut and licked them moist. With one blind hand he reached off from his bed without moving, in search for a tiny stone cup of water. [Color=ivory]"Here."[/color] came a gentle voice, the stone cup entering his hands. A shaky “oh!” came from the elderly selka. He accepted the cup and carefully brought it to his head, tipping it to his lips. With a loud slurp, he took in enough water to cause a dribble down the corner of his mouth. With a shaking hand, he brought the cup back to the bedside table. Clearing his throat, he finally spoke, “I’m sorry young lady, I didn’t see you come in.” He let out a weak chuckle. [Color=ivory]"Not many did."[/color] she said warmly. A cloth then dabbed the corner of his mouth dry. “What-” He coughed a little, but a small smile was forming on his old mug regardless, “What can old Yupilgo do for such a nice young selka?” He grunted his throat clear again, “I’m afraid I’m a little too weak for a story.” [Color=ivory]"That's quite alright, my dear Yupilgo. Now is the time for rest, for a new journey awaits you. One beyond imagination, or so I'm told."[/color] she said, gently taking his arm and placing his hand upon the top of her own. Yupilgo’s fingers grazed her skin, feeling the bump of her mark. Slowly his milky eyes widened, “You... you bear the mark of my savior.” [Color=ivory]"Yes, he gave it to me long go."[/color] she said quietly. [Color=ivory]"I am no Selka, Yupilgo, but I am a friend. My name is Arya, Ward of K'nell."[/color] Yupilgo’s webbed fingers wrapped around Arya’s hand, “Tell me, Ward of K’nell... what does my God have to say?” Arya squeezed his hand gently. [Color=ivory]"He says that you are welcome to join him in Heaven, a place of infinite possibilities and freedom from the Pyres. I have come to show you the way there, as his last wish unto me, if it is what you desire."[/color] There was a pregnant pause, “Show me,” Yupilgo finally urged. Arya sucked in a breath and leaned forward, her words washing into his ear. She told him about the way of Moksha, and K’nell’s promises. She spoke to him about K’nell’s heaven, and what it was. Finally, she told Yupilgo to wait for the night, and to find it in the sky -- and that K’nell had assured her that even in his ailment, he would find it. By the time she was done, a wet stream of tears was trickling down Yupilgo’s face. He croaked a breath and spoke softly, “I wept like this... on the bedrock of a stream, amidst the cries of a young babe. In my tears, K’nell found me, and it was through his visions I found my own. It seems once again he has found me broken and blind.” Yupilgo smiled, “Ward Arya, could this old man ask a favor of your youth?” [Color=ivory]"Of course, Yupilgo, of course. Anything."[/color] she said, her voice heavy with emotion. “Stay with me today, and when the night comes -- bring me outside so I may witness our savior,” Yupilgo gulped out the words, “I want to see.” [color=ivory]”I can do that.”[/color] Arya said. [color=ivory]”And when the night comes, you will see.”[/color] [hr] The chill of the night air wrapped itself around Arya. Despite the bumps the cold air breathed on her, she found her limbs more than capable of pushing Yupilgo’s emaciated frame and his bed out of the tent. The man was wrapped in several blankets, his body hardly producing much heat. His lips trembled blue, but a smile was worn -- he was excited and Arya could hear it in his shuddering breaths. The two managed to push their way unnoticed through the tents and yurts of the growing Hyummin city. What guards spotted them were easily waved off by the elder K’night, and before the pair knew it, they were by the shores of the ocean. The gentle sounds of the waves of Delphina grew yupilgo’s smile and as if smiling back, the setting Heliiopolis was but a crescent on the purple horizon. With bated breath the two waited as Helioipolis sunk into the ocean, the purple sky turning to a dark blue and then to an oppressive black. Just as the night sky seemed to settle as an empty beast of darkness, a gentle green nebula began to shimmer past the grey clouds. It seemed to swirl in place, a subtle reminder of who put it there. Yupilgo’s head seemed to jerk towards it, his eyes still milky white and as blind as ever. A relieved look formed on his face, “The sky is warm tonight,” He said past the cold breeze, “Like a smile.” [color=ivory]”Exactly like a smile.”[/color] Arya said, staring at the nebula. A gentle trickle of tears began to fall onto Yupilgo’s cheeks, “I wish Panganeem could have seen this, or Juttyu... or Ippino (Delphina take care of him).” He shuddered a sight, his eyes closing. [color=ivory]”It’s always those of us who remain that endure, Yupilgo. We remember what others do not, even if the memories are of wanting. But do not despair, for they will never leave us, in the end.”[/color] Arya said as she cried silent tears. Yupilgo’s hand gripped Arya’s “They were the greatest men to ever walk this soil... I only hope some young pup out there proves me wrong about that.” He smiled up at Arya, his eyes swollen with tears. He sighed and closed his eyes, letting his hand fall from Arya’s. Arya crouched down and kissed the selka on his brow. [color=ivory]”They will, one day.”[/color] she said standing back up. A small smile formed on the selka’s lips, his breathing slowing and then suddenly, his chest stopped. [color=ivory]”Be at peace, Yupilgo.”[/color] she said, crying. [color=ivory]”The Dreamers will love your stories.”[/color] Arya then sat upon the sand, and held her knees close to her chest. She listened to the waves, before letting out a soft sigh. [hider=summary] We are at the Hyummin village, with Yupilgo on his deathbed. He meets Arya and finds out she is his god’s Ward. They chat and Arya teaches him Moksha. Yupilgo asks Arya to stay with him until the night and she does. The two down to a beach and watch the green Nebula arrive. They talk some more about the past and Yupilgo passes away quietly, with a smile on his face. Arya then sits down on the beach and sighs. Fin. [/hider] [hider=Prestige] Arya: The Learner, The Martial Dancer, The Compassionate, The Wanderer, The Teacher, The Sailor, Last of the Zhengwu +47 Prestige Starting +1 For Major Role +1 For Minor Role +1 For Collaboration. = +50 Prestige Ending [/hider]