[@Odin] Absolutely not, that's unacceptable. I want your race to be called forestfolk and never even see a forest :lol Jk, if you want to make little changes now that you have seen the map and all that, then it's completely fine, feel free to do so! Also, [@Tal] and [@rush99999], you guys still with us? I've already got the map amrked down and sent to rush, but I want to hear how you guys are doing ^^ No rush, we're only starting two days due to my IRL stuff anyways, so take your time And finally, here's the "faction view" on the blank map, which I figured I might as well show since it's not exactly a big secret where people are, but I didn't write any names or display any helpful info other than the starter area. Looks like the west is going to be a real cauldron of races, hehe~ [img]https://i.imgur.com/PvDHQa0.jpg[/img]