Penelope rolled her eyes at his joke but beamed as he agreed to going with her to Bellmare. While it wasn't much different than any other inner kingdom, the familiarity of it made it particularly special to her. Having lived there practically her whole life, she had plenty of memories, both good and bad, there. Plus, there were certain parts that did make it unique in some ways. She even debated stopping by her actual home with him. She wanted to show him as much as she could so it was certainly on the list. It'd just be a bit more difficult since it was likely that her aunt or cousin would be home. Perhaps they could just swing by the outside of it at the very least. She stretched and moved to sit up as well as he agreed with her about going to breakfast. At his words, she gave a nod of agreement. "Hopefully... Although I can't say I'd put it past her to still be waiting there." she said with a shake of her head. Though her worries about Liz had gone with their talk, Penelope still found the noblewoman to be unwanted company. "I look forward to the day she does leave too...Although, I must admit, I wouldn't mind seeing her face when we start courting." The knight looked over at Crow and smirked. "Not that you're some prize to be won, but after all she's said to me about my scar and the taunting she's done, it'll certainly be excellent payback." While usually about acting with such pettiness, Penelope couldn't help it, especially since she was temporarily silenced from telling the woman the truth about her relationship with Crow. Her past concerns aside, Liz had been trying to get under her skin since their first meeting. It may have worked to some extent then but now feeling more confident than before about their relationship, Penelope was only left with the singular feeling of annoyance towards the other noblewoman for all that she had tried to pull. Seeing her react to the female knight with the 'hideous' streak on her face end up with the viceroy would surely be at least a little entertaining. Penelope shrugged her shoulders and stood up to her feet, stretching out her back for a moment. Since she wasn't planning on having any guard shifts, the knight didn't bother to put on her armor, settling for just wearing her loose fitting shirt and pants. Today would likely be the first proper break she had since , well, she couldn't really remember. It seemed like between the war, Jaxon, and trying to end the war, that she had been going nonstop. Sure there were small moments of peace that she had found during all of those but it was the first time she was taking most the day to actually relax without any set plans to accomplish before it's end. While excited for it and to spend time with Crow, she nearly felt a bit guilty, especially with how little time they had to convince the king. Deciding not to focus on that now though, she moved to step over to her door, opening it slightly to peak out into the hallway. Since it was the knight's quarters, they didn't have the regular guards station outside but she wanted to make sure the halls were clear before stepping out of the room with him. Luckily it seemed most knights must have already left to get breakfast or to their guard post, leaving the corridor empty. "Well at least this area's quiet enough right now." she mused as she opened the door more fully to step out of the room so they could begin their walk to the Great Hall.