Sometimes, Axley couldn't believe the cordiality and patience of the man called Snow Sparrow. Lawyers generally tended to never be good news in the Imperial Ruins, and the bard had a bad feeling about this encounter. Inviting the man in for tea was likely not the best course of action, but Axley was really in no position to fight. Violence against someone in the legal business would go over extremely poorly...not that she was much of a fighter anyways. She knew enough to swing a blade and defend herself, but her ceremonial sword was mostly for intimidation...she wasn't entirely sure how the thing hadn't broken in the few scraps she'd had since she struck out on her own. More importantly, Axley knew the moment the news was delivered that her plans for the day were ruined. Not that she was mad at, she had a much more pointed target of her outrage. "You have got to be kidding me. You're joking, right?" To forcefully evict a a pillar of the community, and a church no less, was bad enough, but to give him a day...? Did the people ordering this goon around have any sense of labor and time? There was no world in which even a group of Solars could vacate the premises safely over the course of a day, even if one did not sleep and used the night as well. She knew she couldn't fight the writ itself; perhaps if she still had the status of her bloodline to back her up, she might, but with her family dead, her money liquidated, and her lineage all but forgotten, there was precious little she could do here but be indignant. "So this is how the rich treat the less privileged, got it." Was this how her father was as well? She'd kept mostly out of business affairs, focusing instead on being a proper daughter of a Crawford. If that was the case...maybe it was no wonder he had made enemies. Still. That was then, and this was now. Axley stood with a hand on her hip, the burning glare in her eyes more than enough to melt straight through any with a faint heart. "Well, you can tell whatever idiot decided to make this writ that a day isn't sufficient time to evacuate an entire block of underprivileged folk out. Hell, three days wouldn't be enough." Axley was choosing her words carefully despite her anger. The last thing she needed was for her words to be seen as a threat and legal action be tossed her way. She took a breath before she continued to speak. "So here's how this works. Either you give us more time to find a safe place for all these people and a proper place for Sparrow to continue his work...or you can turn around and prosecute the fool who ordered this for murder when they have to slaughter us for merely being mortal. Sure that'll look fantastic for them." It was a bad enough situation for Axley, Sparrow, and everyone here. Surely anyone with a sense of decency would understand that people couldn't up and move an entire homeless shelter in a [i]day.[/i]