[b]Loguetown Back Alley[/b] [@BladeSS4] Amongst the posters that Bakuto torn away, was one that have the same bounty as the marine captain Bakuto. One that wore a familiar grey cloak, the Captain of the scarlet Pirates was on the freshly printed poster. Alesia ‘the Gale’, a bounty of 27 million. A blurry image from the surrounding smoke and mists, but of a recognizable print. [hr] [b]Streets of Loguetown[/b] [color=ed1c24]“Damnit!” [/color]Alesia let out a long line of cursings upon losing her pet wolf, ‘Scuffy’ amidst the crowd. She was going to consult with that Flint on why he didn’t buy a leash on that ship pet. And as of what Bakuto said earlier, she had one more thing to worry aside from the Marines. [i]Nets of Sea Prism Stones[/i] She’d be rather fed to the sharks than to meet such a fate. She had doubts that the old man would reach this port so quickly, that ship is well damaged enough to delay them for a day or two. Also, she wasn’t a pirate like Valar, she wouldn’t attract too much attention to the Marines. [i]So long as they don’t send those seagulls at us….[/i] [color=f26522][b]Bar of the Bulls’ Mast[/b][/color] [@Jerkchicken][@KiltmanBagz][@Genon] The Bar of the bulls’ Mast is mostly deserted in the middle of the morning. With only a bard playing music of melancholy, and a group of people playing around a deck of cards. One such table was of a Shady, [url=https://i.imgur.com/kgJWBe0.jpg]Yellow haired man[/url],[i] with a scar that reaches from the forehead down to the eyebrows. [/i]He looked young, appearing around his 20s. The sign on the table is written with ‘The Great Fortune Telling! ONLY 10,000 Berys’. His brown eyes glinted at the potential new customers, shuffling a deck of cards before placing it beside the placard. [i]That’s no wonder his table is empty,[/i] Alesia settled the bulky treasure box in the middle of the Mahogany table. [color=ed1c24]“I’ll be reserving this table, bring me your best ale & food.”[/color] Alesia dug the treasure box and handled a gold coin to the bartender. The gruff bartender, his face creaked out what she could barely describe as a smile under his thick mustache. [color=fdc68a]“You truly have our best interests in our hearts, worry not, I won’t blutter out a word on your arrival, Captain Alesia.”[/color] [i]How did he know my name?[/i] Alesia snorted, as the mug of the best ale of the morning gets served to her.