[@Doc Doctor] I looked, I never seen happen in a professional sanction fight. Mostly because professionals know to guard their ribs. I spent some time looking for the last few days and I can't find one. From personal knowledge of doing in martial arts and the few times, I've actually done it in a street fight. But everything that I can find, that is legitimate. Talks about the nerve cluster a little bit under the armpit. That makes your arm go dead for several moments. Because most everyone wants to talk about if you get someone in armpit you're supposedly supposed to poop in your pants. There is like a crap ton of stuff about it saying it works,then a more legitimate say it doesn't work and is just a dumb. But I will concede the notion of the armpit knock out. At this point all I arguing for is the punch land on the ribs and breaks some. Oh no, you don't come off as an ass. Reading text and trying to figure it out versus voice is always a bit different because you lose the inflection. I've had a lot worse squabbles when you're trying to come up with a solution for a misunderstanding or a miss communication in a fight. You're pretty civil actually. As I reread the post to make sure that I got this correctly. I pulled arm closer and turn into the half step. Which to me would be a hard counter already, but just putting more force into it and just pulling down some little bit harder and a little more force or speed in the half step. Would counter the reach would it not or make it a harder for you to grab it. Because it would force the distant your arm to mine to be at a greater distance. You would have to then reach more across your body and mine. While your body was being forced to shift by pulling the shoulder and arm. That I'm grabbing in one direction while pulling the other shoulder the opposite? Forcing you into my punch even better? With your permission. I'll write my counter to the grab and nailing the punch home. If you feel the post needs fixing hit me up and I'll fix it.