Mierno: [quote=@Caldizar] [@souleaterfan320] *I take a seat at the bar. Casting a quick glance around the room, I take note of its patrons before turning my attention back to the woman standing behind it, who is rearranging a stack of metal mugs and plates. I clear my throat* Lucia? [color=lightgreen]Lucia: *she turns to face me* What do you wa- *she pauses momentarily* -oh. I didn't realize I had a new customer. Especially one so... *she looks me up and down* ...over dressed. But nevermind all that, what can I get you? Beer? Food? We have plenty of both.[/color] *I shake my head, my gaze still locked with hers* I'm looking for information. Preferably of the surrounding lands. [color=lightgreen]Lucia: *Nods slowly* Huh, well I figured a person like yourself would have been familiar with these lands, given all the excess wealth your kind have, but then again nobles don't tend to like leaving all of their stuff just to go travelling to small towns like this one. Not unless they can get something out of it that is... *she starts to say more, but thinks better of it* Ah, nevermind. Doesn't matter. So, what would you like to know? I've seen plenty of these lands in my time. Reckon I could tell you almost everything you want to know bout em.[/color] *I nod, still unaware of the figure who had followed me here, and began to question Lucia about the surrounding country* [/quote] *the hooded figure walks in, and sits across from you a distance, ordering a mead*