[center][h2]A Change of Ideas Part 1[/h2][/center] [center][b]Many Years Ago, The Coast of Atokhekwoi[/b][/center] The Goddess floated above the ground, the trees, the birds, even the clouds. Golden wings beating slowly she surveyed the vast expanse of creation below her. The wind blew, the rivers meandered, and for a moment she wished she could bear witness to the beauty before her without knowing its origins. For the rivers were carved, the wind crafted. Even the simplest life had been designed, constructed from scratch using the basest of components. Her features contorted into an ugly frown and she remembered. It hadn’t always been this way. Once she had marvelled at what her fellows, and she herself, had wrought. Now though? Now she couldn’t help but see them in their works. Azura’s wind was wild and free, but even so it was easily moved by the world below. Hot sands and cool oceans directed it as much as it controlled itself. Shengshi’s rivers, for however beautiful they were, reflected the best and worst parts of their creator. They could be placid, accommodating, and in the span of a moment they could turn into a torrent that swept away all in its path. Bitterly, Asceal recalled that the last things in Shengshi’s path were her children. He hadn’t hurt them, but from what she’d gleaned from their accounts the threat had been clear. She’d considered confronting the River Lord, forcing him to explain himself until [i]she[/i] was satisfied that he hadn’t been ready to act on his threats, but what was the point? Shengshi was like the rivers he created. His nature was both rage and calm. She could extract endless promises from him and have the same thing happen. He couldn’t help it, she realized. He was what he was, and that was something Asceal only barely understood. Reflecting on her encounters with her siblings she had realized that, on a fundamental level, she didn’t truly understand any of them. It was a frustrating epiphany, and the one which had brought her here. Looking at the world and seeing something that, suddenly, had depths she wasn’t sure she wanted to explore. Nevertheless, here she was. Tired of frowning, and not truly feeling the emotion it conveyed, Asceal sighed and rubbed at her luminous eyes. At least some parts of existence weren’t so complicated or frustrating. Her children were off exploring the world in their own way, and all were safe. Eline and Akam were exploring continents away from the perilous Dragons Foot, and Makab was accompanied by Kalmar. She was glad for them. Not glad enough to smile, though. Her children’s happiness was their own. She would have to find hers as they found theirs. The issue was, from her vantage point, she wasn’t even sure where to look for it. At every turn there had been tragedy or discord. At every moment there had been a crises or the beginnings of one. It was only now, above it all, that she realized she wasn’t just tired of it all, she was miserable. As if in reply came a welcome distraction. A faint voice in her head, much like others she’d heard before, but this one with an air of urgency. [i]”If... If anyone out there is listening. Please. It’s my brother, he’s dying and I just. Please, if anyone is listening, please help.”[/i] She hadn’t bothered replying to prayers before. There had always been something greater happening, something that demanded her attention, but now? Asceal realized, for the first time since the very beginning, she had no obligations to fulfill or jobs to do. There was a mortal in pain, and she could help. It wasn’t even a choice. With a thought she broke herself apart, scattering her essence until she flowed with the light that came from Heliopolis, until she was part of it. She collided with the planet, scattered, and then gathered herself. She moved ever onwards, for there was no option to remain still, and before any in the world could have uttered a reply to the mortals prayer she was around them. She couldn’t stop, but she could let herself scatter. She could pull the uncounted pieces of herself back together and let them fall apart. On and on, until it seemed she was going nowhere at all. Of course, the Selka below her saw none of that. What the mortal [i]did[/i] see was a glow around her and her brother. On a desolate beach lay a bleeding Selka man, gored by whatever animal he’d been hunting in the waves. That he’d managed to drag himself to shore was a miracle in of itself, but what happened next was far beyond anything willpower and resolve were capable of. The dying Selka’s wounds seemed to absorb the hazy glow in the air and without prompt began to pull themselves closed. Months of healing in the span of a second. The Selka man’s eyes widened as the searing pain he’d felt dissipated, and his sister began to weep at the sight. The soft voice that seemed to come from all around them was far less shocking than what they’d both experienced, but it was still enough to cause them to jump. “He will live.” A simple statement of fact, but one that should have been impossible. The female Selka hesitated, but managed to wipe away her tears and speak, “Who… Who’s there?” “A Goddess,” a soft chuckle echoed around them and the voice went on, “One of a number. My name is Asceal. Might I ask for your names?” “Ovmo,” The male Selka all but whispered, still feeling at his uninjured side in awe, “My name is Ovmo.” His sister more articulate, “I’m Shufoyu. Th- thank you. I didn’t really believe anyone would come, I hoped maybe Kirron would hear but… I didn’t believe.” The light began to concentrate before the Selka, and both watched wordlessly as over the span of a few minutes Asceal pulled herself back together. When she was done the luminous woman stood a head taller than either Selka, and with her wings towering far higher than that she struck what would have been an intimidating presence had she spoken so kindly to the pair. She knelt down and looked over Ovmo’s side, “I brought a magic into this world to help with things like this, but now that I think of it, I only ever taught Shengshi’s folk.” The Goddess sighed and murmured, “Another mistake.” Shufoyu had been entranced by the Goddess’s true form, but the glowing deities words stirred something in her. Hesitantly she asked, “A magic to, what, heal? Even wounds like Ovmo’s? And it can be taught? Would… Would you teach me? Us?” Asceal turned to face the younger Selka woman, and as she smiled her form seemed to glow brighter, “Of course. I should have done so as soon as I was able.” The Goddess paused for a moment and pursed her lips, silently regarding Shufoyu before speaking again, “But you’ll have to promise me something, Shufoyu.” The weight of a bargain with one of Kirrons ilk made the Selka pale, but to her credit Shufoyu didn’t hesitate, “Me? What could I, no, what do I need to promise you?” “Just this,” Asceal reached out and placed a warm hand on the Selka’s shoulders, “That you’ll teach others what you know.” Shufoyu didn’t need to answer, Asceal had already seen the Selka’s reply forming in her head. Without warning or preamble knowledge flooded into Shufoyu and Ovmo’s minds. Visions of the Lustrous Garden above, of glowing pools of water, and of magic running through their blood bombarded them. It was over in a moment, but each Selka felt as if whatever had happened had changed them forever. Both struggled for words, but Asceal spoke first, “You both have what you need. Remember your promise, Shufoyu.” With that the Goddess was gone. In one flap of her wings she soared out of sight, leaving the Selka behind in a cloud of dust. The siblings looked to each other, awed. Shufoyu helped Ovmo to his feet and, still grappling with knowledge he’d been given, he simply said, “We have to go home. This is better than any catch we could bring.” Shufoyu nodded, and the two set off along the coast carrying knowledge few others held. It would change everything for their tribe. [hider=Summary and Might Costs] Asceal is like 'dang man, everyone is bumming me out' and then some Selka are like 'save our butts'. Asceal saves those butts. There's a chat. She poofs. -3mp Form of Light -1fp Knowledge of Healing Magic 7mp/15fp remaining Note: Saucer told me to post part by part as I finished them so here's part 1 of what's probably a four or five part post spanning the last 50-100 years [/hider]