The night was calm, as Akira drove the speeder to the Senate building. There was a lot riding on this half of the mission and they would see it done. So far the plan had gone well and they had what they needed to get access to the Senator’s offices. The only hard part was getting in and out of the building now. Guards were everywhere and they rarely took chances or the benefit of the doubt. No, what Akira needed was a distraction so they could get inside. Such was easy to handle, what with the rotation list at hand they slipped in and took out a section of the building’s power. As the alarm blared Akira raced to the other side and slipped in. The going from here was tough, touch and go, two steps forward and one back as they stealthily made their way up. The Senator’s office was on the twenty-fifth floor in the eastern wing. A quick test of the ventilation system proved that would not be a good idea as there was a sonic motion detector at a set interval. They would be in there all day trying to disable them as they moved up the floors. Instead, they took a different way. Breaking into an office with a balcony they looked around, leaned over the balcony and shot their grapple up. The climbing was rough, as the winds started to pick up and often Akira needed to hide from patrolling guards. One time they needed to hang from pot off the side as a guard came out for a smoke break. Akira plastered themselves to the wall, suit helping them blend into the relatively dark background. The guard was there for ten minutes before heading back inside. Unhooking the grapple they kept climbing. It took the better part of an hour, between almost getting caught by some guards and passing patrol vehicles before they reached the floor they needed. “Alright, senator, let’s see what you’ve got…” They pulled out the keycard and gained entry to the offices. Making a cursory sweep they headed over to the computer, cracking the password and checking the servers to sweep them when the light outside turned on. Shutting off the monitor Akira leaped into action, jumping into a nearby vent and holding the vent closed. They wouldn’t be seen there and could hear the guards talking. “Dunno, boss said we need to check everything. He thinks there’s someone snooping around.” One said. The light flicked on and they looked around. “I doubt it. Come on, you know how the Senator hates having anyone in her office… Besides if anyone is here they would have chosen the higher floors where the Trade Senators are. Come on, nothing to see here.” The footsteps walked away as the light went out. Letting out their breath Akira rolled out of the vent after a bit, placing the cover back like they had never used it. The file sweep was nearly complete and barring taking a datapad, they had collected what they needed to. They would of course save a copy before handing it over, for personal reading and to add to the database. The contractor wouldn’t mind, of course. They still had the Phantom Eyes by the proverbial groin with the ship. That thought nearly cost them the mission, as they missed resetting an alarm. Eyes widening they chastised themselves as they shut it off, darting over to the balcony and hailing Ixon. “I can hear sirens from here.” The zabrak’s scowl could be heard in their ear. “Shut up and ready the escape. I’m thinking of going up. Can you meet me there?” They shot the grapple up and quickly ascended before the guards could see which way they went. Getting to the balcony they made their way inside to the stairs, using the grapple to ascend faster. Along the way they came across some guards and took them out quickly and efficiently, leaving them cold while they took one of the coms. “Suspect tripped a stair alarm. We have a few officers not responding.” A voice shouted into the coms. It was Akira’s turn to scowl as they used the guard’s keycard to open the door to the halls revealing a security droid. They dispatched them quickly, running off to another balcony to ascend that way. The coms exploded when they found the downed guards and all forces were ordered to find them. Akira was only a few more floors to the roof when they took to the stairs again running up them and out onto the roof. Ixon pulled up alongside the roof and Akira jumped in as guards poured out after them. Dodging blaster fire Ixon expertly steered the vehicle away and off into the busy pathways. It was a simple matter for the zabrak to drop their tail and they made their way back to the hideout to lay low. “Frekking hells, Ak, that was rough.” Ixon shook his head as he stretched out on the couch. “This intel better be worth it.” “Agreed. It went off as smooth as we could have hoped. I expected way more guards. They had most of the droids powered down it seems. We got lucky.” Their eyes went to the datapad and the stick containing everything they needed. “I’ll have Oracle get word to our employers. Wouldn’t want them to think we failed. What is the status of the ship?” “Tinker finished the scans and Rogue is sending it back. He’ll do a better job than Jigsaw. Especially since we can just wave that pass Jedi Rekka gave him at them. He’ll drop it off and make his way out by tomorrow evening.” Ixon happily reported. “Perfect. Keep me posted on that. The sooner we get it out of our hands the better. I need to shower and change. Do be a dear and get some dinner.” Akira waved as they headed to their bedroom.