I am back! Time to read all the lovely things you've written since I was gone! ^^ [@Tal] Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [i]rolls around[/i] I like those creatures a lot! I did say that I'll introduceagic later on, but I want these guys right here and right now. It's just something most creatures don't know exist, but it's fair to say any world has it's own magic haha. Fairy creatures have a soft spot in my heart, so approved ^^ And both islands have varied terrain. Sorry if I mixed something up in my original post. [@DX3214] I gave your race some thought while I was away and ultimately I think you should do away with the shapeshifting ability. Either be something like a completely alien looking celestial being, or humans (which we don't have btw) with some curious physical features, like silver hair and changing eye colors. Right now I feel like you are double dipping, and imo this shapeshifting doesn't add much to your race as a while. Maybe a fun gimmick, but I personally see this as being a weird choice... [@Crusader Lord] Hmmm...speaking of shapeshifting, maybe such a race woupd be cool. Magic might not be something you can wield yet, but it exists. Ever saw The Golden Compass? Every human there has an animal companion that represents their personality and that they can talk with. At the same time if any of the two die, they both die because of the link they share. I do say it's an interesting concept to work with! And if that isn't to your liking, well, go wild haha. We don't have the Mongols yet or the greeks, and some others if you look around. The spectrum is fairly wide, all I ask for is something that is cool and [b]thematically[/b] makes sense. [@Lunamaria Hawke] It is 100% an arbitrary number I just pulled out of my ass :lol But seriously, I want people at the beginning to focus on the character of their species, how they interact with each other and the world around them, etc. Giving them a ton of people will blur out this aspect, and since I want to gradually build up and fill this NS with a ton of rich lore, starting from square 1 sounds like the best idea. But we will get to 10 million people eventually ^^