[hider=Lea Winterberg][center][img]https://s1.zerochan.net/White.%28Kekkai.Sensen%29.600.1881091.jpg[/img] [b]Full Name:[/b] Lea Winterberg [b]Nicknames/Aliases:[/b] N/A [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Primary:[/b] Runic Casting [b]Secondaries:[/b] Illumination Magical Infusement [b] Description:[/b] (What do they look like? Even if you've got a picture, a bit of writing would be nice. Include their usual attire, any notable scarring or markings, etc. Lea is a very pale and slender girl. She stands at 5.7 feet tall with long blonde hair reaching to her thighs. Usually she wears her hair in twintails. Her big green eyes and bright mouth are always seen in happy demeanor. Her eyebrows are somewhat unkempt. Something to point out is her hands that are somewhat scared from the hard work with her weapon. Her usual attire is a simple white dress or a skirt together with a t-shirt and sneakers. [b]Personality:[/b] Lea is a very cheerful and hyper girl, always very driven to do the things that play in her head at the moment. Rarely is she shy of people and always tries to get as friendly as possible with anyone. The existence of personal space is sometimes good to remind her of. Lea is quick to be provoked by mean comments or doing and reacts in somewhat hostile way as well. She depends more on the physical way to solve her problems. To anyone she likes she can be a very friendly supportive and sympathetic girl especially her brother she looks out for the most. [b]Crush:[/b] Open [b]Skills:[/b] Swordmastery - from the age of 10 Lea has practiced swordsmanship under a teacher. Photography - After Lea has begged and pleaded for a camera from her parents she finally got one and used it to her heart's content up till today. Quite cognitive - Lea has never been the smartest or brightest but she is very good at puzzles and patterns. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Short tempered - Lea can be somewhat short tempered when something doesn't work out the way she wants too. That is why she can be somewhat fast provoked. It does go into her strategy most of the time. Darkness - Lea is very scared of the dark in any way shape or form and avoids it as much as she can. For her fear she has a small torch strapped around her neck. [b]Brief History:[/b] Lea grew up in quite a wealthy family together with her brother Leo. They were twins where as Lea was the older of the two. They might have looked mostly the same, their personalities were like Yin and Yang. They filled one another with what they lacked. Lea was the brightest and the most active of the two while Leo was shy and smart. They lived in a small mansion with a large garden where they spent most of their time. They did everything together! Even sleeping when Lea got afraid of the dark she would jump into Leo his bed for comfort. They were playing everyday but at a point Leo started to stay inside way more. He preferred reading over going outside, he had finally found a passion in life to focus on. It admired her to do something on her own accord, something where Leo didn't need to be all the time. Lea wasn't as smart as Leo so she was quick to choose something that involved activity. Lea started practicing the sword just like her family did way back. After a while Leo started to get interested into it too but claimed he wasn't as fit as her and that it would be impossible for him to do. That is when Lea proposed to practice magic instead. It was a good choice as they both enjoyed it. Lea began to study with him more to get better grades like him and interesting techniques for magic and sword styles. Nowadays she is trying to perfect her fighting style, a combination between swordsmanship and magic. Writing down strategies for her to follow and odd turns to throw her opponents apart. Lea has already set her goal in life and what school to go to, she had pulled Leo along with her knowing full well he didn't have any objections. They were world's best duo after all! [/center][/hider]