Once Luke had returned to the cockpit to facilitate the landing, Tobias had given the princess elect time and solitude to compose herself. As soon as the wheels had touched ground, however, he was the first to to arrive at the door to Rhiane's private quarters. Lia and Octavia exchanged quiet knowing looks. There was no damning evidence that the handsome, elusive, taciturn guard was beginning to harbor feelings for his charge, but he was undeniably different. For years everyone in the palace had watched him be aloof and detached with his daily interactions. To see him so attentive, even more than his station required, made them incredibly suspicious. Rhiane herself was obviously oblivious, but it was hard to miss the quiet ease the pair had around each other, as if they were old friends rather than strangers only a couple weeks before. In the war silently brewing between the cousins no one knew the entire story. Only Rhiane and Luke were privy to the fact they argued more than they agreed, that they had not shared any intimate moments while alone, and that they had agreed to keep their relationship professional. Luke was ignorant of Rhiane's suppressed feelings, Rhiane unaware of Tobias's fledgling crush, and Tobias unknowing that his calm, supportive disposition gave him a slight edge against the proud heir to the throne. For the people that were observing glimpses of the hurricane of emotion, misunderstanding, and acting, it was too confusing to understand. "Was that really necessary?" Rhiane asked as she caught the keys. Her demeanor had shifted the moment that Luke had strolled up to the vehicle emblazoned with 014 on its side. With Tobias she had been relaxed, telling him about a time she had unsuccessfully attempted to work her fields in the winter with an advertised 'winter crop.' It had been a failure but relevant to their next destination. That was one of Rhiane's many lessons that not climate and soil were both essential to the success of a seed's germination. Tobias had been as stoic as always but had not discouraged her from weaving her tale. That he listened so intently had made her smile, laugh at herself, and fall comfortably into her casual charms. This charisma was more constrained with Tobias's departure. With Luke she was polite but guarded, conscientious of their proximity, and apprehensive about his attentions. This was visible to their entourage but it was glaringly apparent to the target of her anxiety- Luke himself- because he was so physically close to her. Because they had not resolved anything with their 'debate' not even an hour prior she was cautious. Rhiane had already been verbally rejected emphatically once; she was not about to risk anything to make herself an easy target a second time. "I drove trucks on the farm," Rhiane said as she moved into the driver's seat and turned on the engine. She made a point of waiting until Luke strapped himself in before she decided to disclose that was the extent of her experience. The jalopies she had at home were wildly different from the machinery she was now about to operate. "How different can it be?" With entirely too much acceleration they blasted past all the other vehicles. Rhiane was used to trucks that were of poor construction, that were often in disrepair, and didn't have as much power as what she was now driving. Instead of being alarmed by their rapid rate of travel, Rhiane was positively delighted. She was a giddy as a child graduating from a tricycle straight to a motorbike. Being the future queen hadn't had many tangible benefits she cared about- but this one finally appealed to her and almost made up for being disparaged for being a lowly peasant. In ten years she'd be dead. There was no sense wasting time with a little speed or a light testing of its turn radius. Vehicle 014 barreled ahead, taking pinpoint turns, twisting and turning around every curve as its operator let out a peal of maniacal glee. Luke could have fallen out the side and she might not have been noticed. For just a few minutes it was her, the road, and a half ton of metal obeying her every whim.