The cracking of glass echoed through her mind, What was happening? There was silence again, the figure inside the incubator slowly opened their eyes. Their Steel Blue eyes greeted by the dark blue scales of her Wings covering her body. Suddenly everything shifted, gravity pulling on her and she suddenly slammed into the ground. Her wings moved slightly, pulling apart as the air slowly dried off the liquid on top of them. Her wings fanned out and arched slightly, her slender tail flexing against the floor, the glass around her not a problem against her scales. [color=b44682][i]Where... Am I...?[/i][/color] The beastwoman thought to herself before she pushed herself off of the ground. Her wings folded back behind her as she slowly and shakily stood up. She gave a small stumble as her white hair glistened in the light. She let out a low grumble, looking around with her deep purple eyes; her eyes settling on Lyre- She jolted backwards, stumbling and falling backwards onto the floor again, grunting loudly at the impact.