Andrew waited, saying his prayers extra long. The sunlight set, he picked up the bowl of stew and placed the tray out the door for someone to take. Then going to a trunk he got a pouch and a metal plate. He took a smoldering stick from the fire then went over near the hide-hold. He pour some of the contents on the plate, then looked and poured some more. He started blowing on the stick to making it red hot. Moving the stick so the glow could be seen, he placed it into the material on the plate. Smoke started to fill the air, with a prayer the incense started to swirl, driving into the cracks in the floor and walls. Even the bugs started to flee at the strong scent. He pulled his dagger from his sleeve, watching the smoke change direction as it edged around the hatch and sinking into the hole. He was hoping to fill the space with smoke and insects and spiders to drive his guest out of hiding.