[img]http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/nicktheultimaswordwielder/images/3/31/Hero_vs_villain.png/revision/latest?cb=20140622165334[/img] [u]Light Side[/u] [img]https://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/k-anime/images/3/39/Main_school_building.png/revision/latest?cb=20121025020318[/img] People have recently been calling this school the True Kings dominion School, Hero High, provoked by their evil counterpart school. Welcome to the Anti king's dominion a school dedicated to teaching and honoring future heroes and saviors, skill the main sponsors are the Anti Yakuza, Anti Final World Order, Anti-Mexican mafia/syndicate, Anti syndicate and the remnants of against the Soviet party. The students that come from these organizations are called anti legacies, while the anti Kings dominions has many of these anti legacies a majority of the school are kids from the streets as well or orphanages that our scouts saw potential in the students is called precious. You will play a new arrival to the Anti kings dominion whether it be a Anti legacy or as a precious. Location: Well known place over upstate New York over the clouds on a massive aircraft carrier that never falls for some reason. Views: The 'LightSide' the Anti king's dominion see themselves as the greater good for truth and justice, the holiness angelic way. These Anti kings dominion folks plus their connections are severely provoked against their evil counterparts the 'dark side', coming up down below in this document. They are so provoked by their evil counterparts that these guys constantly troll their dark side counterparts in all walks of life at every second every minute of the day, on absolutely every little thing big and small. The light side rule through love and harmony and strength on every little thing, unlike the criminal world that rule through force and fear and anger. The light side doesn't kill but they do have something just as bad called complete brainwashing and mind-control gadgets that the government's supply them with. The Darkside never have mind control gadgets (balancing it out). Long ago someone had a serious grudge against the dark side that he came out from under them, then started the LightSide, the DarkSide's eternal sworn enemy . That same man declared the Anti-Kings dominion plus all its connections as the complete reverse of evil and bad, on absolutely everything. People connected to the light side are extremely expected to be the complete reverse of all negative emotions at all times. Song: The LightSide like playing this song Superhero by Simon Curtis, often to annoy the hell out their evil counterparts the Darkside. [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CO4KtKY-mz8[/url] ---------- [u]Dark Side[/u] [img]https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/yugioh/images/f/f5/Miami_School_Front.png/revision/latest?cb=20140526222213[/img] Also called Villian High. Welcome to kings dominion a school dedicated to teaching and honing future criminals and assassins skills the main sponsors are The yakuza, Final World Order, Mexican mafia/syndicate, Dixie syndicate and the remnants of the Soviet party. The students that come from these organizations are called legacies, while kings dominion has many of these legacies a majority of the school are kids from the streets or orphanages that our scouts saw potential in these students are called rats. You will play a new arrival to kings dominion whether it be as a legacy or as a rat. Location: a secret place in upstate New york Views: These guys view the Anti everything quoted the light side, as a real pain in the ass constantly trolling them at every step of the way won't leave. They really despise this quote light side for choosing the same city as them, what's worst that quote light side went even farther to position themselves on a flying rock over the clouds over New York. The villains see the quote light side as being superior basically in the villain's sick twisted minds. The villains kill but they fear the light side's complete mind control brainwashing gadgets as a fate worse than death to endure. The Darkside hate the light side because the light side seems to always look down on them talking to them like a parent to an evil child. The Darkside also hate the Lightside because those guys get something then they always seek to bring it to the top be a superstar or an icon worth true praise, always. Then the freaking hero posing the light side always freaking do, then THAT FREAKING POSING that FREAKING CHEER TALK, truly upsetting just knowing the bad guys are being upstaged by them quote heroes the light side. ------- Superpowers: In this parallel universe despite a certain person that a story can grow even further in a multiverse! Some ass hole character flew an atomic nonlethal bomb into a New York Forest(exist in this universe the forest), the atomic bomb exploded 50 years ago across the entire United States of America, the bomb was that powerful. That atomic bomb was the weapon that started superheroes and supervillains arrival on the world seen in enough numbers ever since. ---------- This universe views: This universe not to fun of a prejudice universe out there that call their own side rational, don't accept super-powered beings into the reality in a cover-up story keeping things rational. ----------- Rules: 1. Character ages must be from fourteen to seventeen 2. There can be romance but anything beyond making out needs to go to PM 3. posts can be under a paragraph but still have to be of medium length. 4. When the clothes come off you take it to the pms as time skip. On the rp you are still responsible to keep the story going, it's rude to keep others waiting to advance the story just because your characters decide to mate. It's called being considerate to everyone. ---------- Character sheet: Name: Sexuality: Age: Appearance: Alliance: (LightSide or Darkside -chose only 1-) LightSide- Precious or Anti Legacy: Choice here DarkSide - Rat or legacy: Choice here LightSide- What anti syndicate you are in": (only if you are an anti legacy) DarkSide- What syndicate you are in ( only if you are a legacy) Skills: Don't go crazy Powers: Don't go crazy Bio Personality Extras(optional) (If you are LightSide delete DarkSide classes) Lightside Classes: Medic & Curing 101 MMA 1 Armor & Non Lethal weapons 1 Capturing stoping Ballistic weapons School uniform: [hider=school uniform] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/b5/eb/e5/b5ebe5ac2291808c3fef65449f3de15e.jpg[/img][img]http://g01.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB14hGZJFXXXXXvXpXXq6xXFXXXg/british-font-b-Korean-b-font-font-b-high-b-font-font-b-school-b-font.jpg[/img] [/hider]. (If you are DarkSide delete LightSide classes) Darkside Classes: Poison 101 MMA 1 Bladed weapons1 Ballistic weapons School uniform: [hider=school uniform] [img]https://sc01.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1Il1OHFXXXXafXFXXq6xXFXXXj/6759948/HTB1Il1OHFXXXXafXFXXq6xXFXXXj.jpg[/img] [/hider].