[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/nrj7MLJL/Willow-Header.png[/img][/center] After what felt like an eternity in that chair, Willow remembered she needed to get to Guild HQ. She slowly rose from it, and began her way out of the building, after changing into something less....standout. She took the back way and went into the alleys to stay away from people. She didn't exactly feel like talking. As she walked, she didn't really pay too much attention to where she was going. She knew the way well and her mind was plagued with questions. Were people's interest in her really that low? Were they really not interested in any other kind of songs? If she tried something different would they actually hate her or it? What was the best course of action? What did SHE want to do? Should she really just quit now while she's ahead? At least then she could focus entirely on the Guild instead... Then again she wasn't all the useful there either. As a fighter, she wasn't all that strong. On the battlefield her main role was support, if she was even allowed near it. They'd usually keep her in some secret safe place where she could sing for the injured. Not only that but she needed a guard, which meant she was taking up someone else's time. Time that could be spent where they were needed more. Maybe she should just disappear entirely? Willow knew she wouldn't be happy that way, but it was better than being a bother to everyone. She wasn't needed. Even Salem who, while she didn't really treat her badly per-say, never really paid her much mind. The woman just seemed disinterested... Before she realized it she was standing in front of the doors to HQ. Willow sighed. For the first time she...didn't really want to go in. It's not like they needed her for the meeting or whatever was going on tonight. She was barely a member and didn't really know much of tactics or goings on. All she knew was song and dance. But she did want to help people. This was a fact. She knew it and everyone that knew her knew it. Her songs and the Guild were...both ways of doing this, really. Did she want to stop either? No. Not really. As chaotic as it was to balance both she enjoyed it. Sometimes she could tie them together and that felt nice. Anyway, she still wasn't sure what to do. She needed to talk to someone to help her weigh her options. Someone to help sort her thoughts. She couldn't think of anyone though...didn't help she wasn't all that close to anybody. Maybe Salem was her best bet. She was smart and logical, assuming she wasn't angry. Willow wasn't sure she'd want to talk about it though. She also shouldn't just stand outside like this. Willow went in with a still worried, confused expression on her face.