So this is a setting that I created to run a Dungeons and Dragons game with my friends that was meant to shake up the typical scenario you might see in one of those games. If you haven't played Dungeons and Dragons before, the average situation is a group of would-be heroes going out and saving the world one village/town/kingdom at a time with your usual fantasy tropes and lore. Of course, that's a tried and true way of telling a story, but I wanted to try something different. What's it like to be the [i]bad[/i] guy? To be clear, I'm writing this as a check to see what people's thoughts are on this idea, so I'm not saying this will be a tabletop type of roleplay (although if folks are more interested in that I've got no objection to it). If you prefer a more story-focused game or want to play a more tabletop game with rules and dice and such, please let me know! I would be okay with either taking the role of a GM or participating directly and letting the story flow wherever it goes. It should be noted that this would contain some mature elements like violence, unsavory characters doing unsavory things, and anything you might expect from a story centered around crime. Now for the setting: Jerick is a sprawling port city that exists in a world of fantasy creatures, magic, intrigue and most importantly, crime. It is a city that made its fame being the major hub of trade of all kinds in this part of the world, and when I say "all," I mean it. Jerick's laws are rather... loose. Gold is the lifeblood of the city and any means of exchanging it go within reason. Necromancy, slavery, and many other things considered taboo in neighboring kingdoms and states are allowed within the walls of Jerick, and all of these are used to the benefit of those cutthroat enough to take advantage of them: legally or otherwise. Despite the fantasy elements, this setting is actually fairly modern in terms of its tone. Magic and technology are used to make a city where horse-drawn carriages exist into a metropolis not unlike New York, complete with political intrigue, corruption, and organized crime. The main idea of the campaign is for the players to be part of one of the criminal organizations in the city vying for power, the Ludovico Family. Is your character an ambitious cat-burglar looking to make a name for themselves? Or a former paladin cast out from his order, barely scraping by who's tired of playing the honest game and getting nothing in return? A wizard looking to use their magic for a profit? Anyway, that's the basic outline of the setting that hopefully catches your imagination. I've been working on this setting for a while now and have a fairly fleshed out picture of the different factions and inner workings of the city in mind. To avoid making this thread a huge wall of text I plan on putting out more details upon request if interest is high enough, including a writing sample to jog the imagination. Please, ask any questions you'd like and let me know what you think!