[url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/smoke-screen-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190718/adadf2d0600945097eff7b6f8350307f.png[/img][/url] Circe admired her walls, there were so many pictures of what appeared to be random people. Some may think that it was a weird habit, photographing complete strangers. But Circe knew better, each picture told a story. Every one of those toys were now broken thanks to Circe's hand in one way or another. She fondly touched one, allowing the memory to wash over her. The man was a bodybuilder, she had seen him flexing his muscles for everyone who would look at him. It was [i]that[/i] to lure him away to his car for some fun… well fun for her at least. His eyes bulging and bloodshot as she wrapped a seat belt around his thick neck. This picture told a story of a young aspiring actress, who laid upon many casting couches to get her shot at fame. Circe could still hear the young woman pleading as the knife plunged into her chest. The smell of iron and sweat hanging heavy in the air. Circe could smell food wafting from the meeting area. That only meant one thing, Cleo was back. The young woman quietly hurried over and locked the door. As she did so she looked at the only picture that hung there. She looked at it quizzically as she thought back to that night. It was supposed to be a good one, the rain was coming down in sheets. She had seen the wife helping at a local homeless kitchen. She knew she would be let in easily. The dark magi knocked on the door and when the wife answered she spun a story about her car having a flat and her cell phone ruined thanks to the convenient rain. The wife took immediate pity on the drenched girl standing on her doorstep, and invited her in. She took the woman's cell and punched in a string of numbers. Lana answered her phone and Circe proceeded to ask for a picking. Lana told her to go to hell, last time she picked her up she got blood all over her car. Circe thanked Lana and gave the phone back to the lady. As she pretended to wait for a ride that she didn't need the husband came downstairs. Circe waited a moment longer and then pounced on her toys. The strange part about this encounter was that the couple never really begged to live. Instead, shockingly, they thanked Circe for what she was about to do. Confused the young sociopath asked why they were trying to ruin her fun. They explained to her that a few years ago their child had passed on due to a sickness. And if they were to die that night, at least they would be reunited. They even thanked her for what she was about to do! In that single moment Circe paused, and mused over her thoughts. This couple had already stolen the fun from the night so she ended their lives quickly. She caressed the photo in front of her, a man, his wife and their child smiling at the camera. They had no clue what would befell them. Circe turned away and put on the radio, a song by Willow Fitzgerald came on and Circe changed the channel. On the next station another Willow song, when she flipped it to the third station and heard that insufferable voice once more she grabbed the radio and threw it on the floor. It shattered loudly and Circe growled at it. She pulled out her cell phone and turned on one of her phone games as she laid back in bed, waiting for that intolerable Cleo to disappear so she can snatch some food.