[color=f7976a]"There are lots of ways you can build on the connection you have. The question is what would work the best for the two of you." [/color]Laura explained. She considered what she knew. There were all kinds of activities that could help them get closer. The problem she saw was that the empath was more open than the anchor. It wasn't unusual. Anchors had to adjust their lives to make room for the empath and that wasn't always easy. Especially if the anchor had built a life. [color=f7976a]"I would suggest doing one activity together each week. Take turns choosing the activity. That should help you see what you had in common. That will help you feel closer. Also I will give you a bowl full of questions. Each day I want you to take out one. You both answer the question as honestly as possible." [/color]The counselor told them. Roxy wasn't sure about the last one. Sharing wasn't something she had ever done and there were some things she didn't want to share.