[h3]At the Gates of St Lucifer's[/h3] The figure walked carefully, eyeing up her surroundings, as she clutched her bag and moved her small feet hurriedly. With the energy of a squeaky rodent, the young-looking [url=https://safebooru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=2447940]girl[/url] ponder her next steps. This school seemed to had accumulated bad reputation, but she had been asked to come, and she would answer the summons. The summoning invitation could not have been more bizarre. The gift box, of spell components, that her parents had greedily experimented with without her input had been spiked. The witch known as Diana, now bereft of her usual attire and clad in leftover middle-schooler clothes, had spent quite a chunk of time and effort to stop his dad from roosting on top of the fridge, and at least twice as much trying to convince her own mother that she had been just transformed into a hen and that the breakfast eggs were, in fact, not her children. After the debacle, she set the rest of the batch to a corner thoughtfully, and assembled what to do next. The followup would probably lean heavily on her vexing childish appearance and lack of womanly features, but for the sake of purpose, it suit the Witch of Bones. She had coated her wiles and magic under a seemingly harmless appearance, much like the poisoned prank had been disguised as gift. Yet, inside the bag she was carrying there was no kitty-shaped purse, or cute stickers, but bones, blood and components. She wouldn't be lying if she wasn't ready to wage a small war. She had even played dress up in front of the mirror to borrow some time from the Reaper that haunted her. Fireball, Ice wall components, and even the dry bones of a 20ft long python had been reanimated. She had instructed the beast to infiltrate the school through another way, as that'd be a giveaway of who she was. "Um... excuse me." She said in her most demure voice, painstakingly eroding any trace of confidence from it. After all she had a good teacher, even if he had been quite the sociopath. She hoped he'd not be here yet, wounds licked and ready to render her intentions moot. But Celestine wasn't there. "Could you um... point the way to miss Erdrigan? I...am to be a new student of sorts...please?" She squeaked.