At the Kings Dominion School, several students near the dojo started complaining about the Anti Dominion School. " I hate Anti, those clowns are so annoying. I lost five million dollars because of their interference in my affairs last month.", A male legacy student complained. "Them white uniform jerks think they better than us, the world caters to them, held up in fame, every time they get something they must always show it off be a superstar bring it to the next level. What's even more annoying their life choices were originally no different from us, until certain organizations plus gangs took us in. I hate them, hate them, resist them, resist them, just a bunch of glorified losers telling us what to do in their shiny white uniforms with all the correct words, souls freaking like.", A female rat said. "That Anti School against us deliberately set their selves up, mentally, physically, head games, heart game, love games, smooth fancy words, public image, the whole freaking nine yards, just to fuck with us. Those guys even got the nerve to have a theme song playing over and over again against us called, Song: Super Hero. By Simon Curtis. I hate them so much! They always use that psychology shit on us plus their own.", A male rat said. Zion came bye heard everything. "What is wrong with you? Our enemy the Anti-Kings dominion School said, "Fuck this world everything is going down anyway at the apocalypse. I'm destined to die someday, I will use my fleeing years on my life by being my best ideal image of myself or better yet be a superstar take it to the top, we don't care what critics say everything else is a distraction, they must kneel to us. Them white uniforms said over at Anti Dominio School said.", Zion said. The male legacy student frowned. "You are that guy that fell into some radioactive residue ended up getting the most annoying super abilities ever you freaking troll master. A freaking Gary Sue Mary Stu the perfect one you are annoying. I technically don't blame you bro not breaking a sweet not trying hard easily reaping all the rewards everyone else has to put all their blood sweet tears into just to get.", The male legacy said. [img][/img]