Blackout Smough's Flagship Smough had laughs heartily when Gaul answers. Fate. If he is lying then he's a damn good liar. With a shake of hands Smough passed Gaul a Bloodgem and had taken his loot. "Before we go traipsing off to our deaths, I have a prior engagement to attend in the south. With any luck you'll have just employed an immortal "trading" company." Smough steps back and jangles the bag, smiling at the clanking that follows. "After all, I promised these men eternal life at sea. I'm sure you understand." East Point Wastes The New Man knows that Lexianna is observing him. He observes her in the same way. Cautiously. But when she asks who he is the new creature hesitates. "My name. Is Bahruss." A new line of thought flashes into his mind. Information on who he is supposed to be. "My father named me. My father. I was... am or was not supposed to live. I was stillborn. My mother died. Father was sad. So he made a new mother. But Father is ill." Bahruss snaps his attention in the direction of the Bastille. Clothing and armor begin to grow around him as he walks slowly in the direction of The Bastille. "I was imagined as a knight. But I don't remember my purpose. I must ask Father." Bahruss takes off in a sprint. As he does he morphs. His cells rearrange themselves and he becomes a cheetah at full speed. When he reaches the barrier he comes to a full stop and becomes human again. Reaching out tentatively he places his hand against the barrier. A small crack appears. The crack spreads and soon the dome that loomed over head comes crashing down. As the Arcane Barrier shatters black alchemical markings appear on Bahruss. Seals. "I am Sir Bahruss."