At the Anti-Kings dominion School outside at the front, Bless in her white schoolgirl uniform with her other peers looked at the black uniform students on a field trip not mind-controlled from King's Dominion School. "Welcome to Anti-Kings dominion School, Kings dominion School students in those black uniforms.",Bless said. Several Kings Dominion students snarled. "Stupid white blazers, yall raised an entirely different side to stand completely against us in all walks of life at every turn, that is so mean annoying.", a legcay student mocked. Say something smarty, mind control us I dare you punks.", a legacy student mocked. Bless smiled sheepishly looking at other white blazer fellow students near her, they shook heads no. Bless smiled at the King's dominion students. " We don't exist to satisfy anyone outside the positive emotions plus the clean ways in life. If you try something up here at the heroes stronghold, we will gladly fight you team Villian then kick you all out." , Bless responded. The King's dominion student snarled. " Shut up, shut up, shut up! Stop playing with my head heart again! I know you, weirdos, craftily set up all your ways as some shepherd or something of men and women decades ago.", the Kings dominion student said. An Anti-Kings Dominion student in a white blazer smirked with an angry trolling look on his face. "Do you criminals actually believe we heroes don't have some serious anger problems against you practitioners of crime and sins to demonic demon levels, hate you deep down! Believe me, when I say that we troll all wrongs with the positive emotions, stop you, wrongdoers, the whole nine yards constantly trolling you all by being the dream come true versions of ourselves folks always desire.", the male student in the white blazer said. [img][/img]