Nation/Clan/Kingdom/Tribe Name: The Caramellion Company Represented Color: Blue (?) Race: Human Features: - Breed: - Capital: San Siabano Ruler: Duke Peidro Callibiano deMolle Viceroy of Colonia Vaquexia, Contractee of the Caramellion Company Type of Government: Colonial Viceroyalty Religion: Word Of The Holy Salvation Church On The Mount Of The Lady Of Grace Geographical Location: As I am without a computer or Photoshop I will not be able to draw out where I want to be on the map for a few weeks. As such I will need to trust the GM or someone to do it for me: at the tip of the inlet in the southern bay pointing into the mountains, at those foothills. Main island. History: The Caramellion Company was officially contracted by the crown of the Kingdom of Garciapolla one-hundred twenty-two years ago. Founded initially as the royal merchants charged with the trade of luxuries between the crown and lands abroad the duties and charges of the crown-created company expanded over time handling largely civilian affairs or to handle anti-piracy, autonomous from the kingdom itself and operating on its own income but safe in the knowledge that it ran as a defacto monopoly in its area. However, with such autonomy came fierce rivalry and it defacto acted in its own private wars that turned into proxy affairs as it feuded with independent foreign merchants and other operations for control of greater waters. Its centuries of disputes with operations and even Nations abroad saw it expanded by the crown to allow it to arm its own private army like the marquis and older nobility before it. As a force itself it carried a political and economic weight never before seen for an organization of its type, exempting numerous knightly and holy orders. Fifteen years ago the Kingdom of Garciapolla was wracked by a civil war when the king died without naming a suitable successor. When the Parlion Council – the national and royal court of judges appointed by the Crown with power equal to that of the Crown – intervened to elect one from the several royal houses it initiated a violent civil war when it elected a king from one of the least prestigious families. Angered at the results the greater houses allied in an Anti-Parlion League intent on seizing power for themselves and liquidating the ancient institution as a hotbed of perceived corruption and favoritsm. Fighting for the Parlion, the Parlion League was the House Sebastiano whose prince Carl Henre Sebastiano had been elected as king as per recognition of his great piety. The war was bloody and took the life of King Carl I whose son Julia Carl “the small” Sebastiano succeeded. Triumphing over his enemies the whole families and their retinues were at once imprisoned, stripped of their titles and their knights defrocked and demoted and left in the dungeons. The prisons of the kingdom became filled with the surplus nobility who became systematically purged by the new Small King under fear of a coup attempt and with the backing the Parlion many were stripped of their titles as we’re many peasants. A revolt crisis saw the near emptying of entire counties whose peoples were surrendered to the mercy of imprisonment and with over flowing prison cells were instead interned aboard derelict ships. Soon in the political paranoia of the period a crisis emerged, one which required an immediate answer. The answer was obvious. With international word of a new land discovered across the sea a Charter for a territory known as Colonia Vaquexia was drawn and granted to the obvious servant of the crown, the Caramellion Company who was immediately equipped to sail out to establish a foot hold and to be unloaded – over time – with the excess prisoners or willing colonists and nobles seeking “clemency in the realm beyond through noble service to the Grand House of Sebastiano in the improvement of primitive lands”.