[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190723/484b8eacfd36460771657957482698dc.png[/img] [h3]and[/h3][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190809/b46bc722bd300c80eb2256a579a5cf32.png[/img][/center] After the encounter with Pelanu, Sazel had moved on in her quest to get drawing materials, however, to her dismay, by the time she arrived at the academy’s supply shop the staff was away on a break. Of course, she could wait thirty minutes or so, but that was too much for Sazel. [color=B2A95E]”Ah, I guess the path to greatness is never easy.”[/color] Then, on the side of her vision, she caught sight of the announcement board, approaching it, she noticed the current list of clubs and gasped. [color=B2A95E]”There is an Artisans club?”[/color] that was even better than what she had planned, with their aid, she could finally deal with the greatest obstacle on her quest to solve the mystery. Marching down the halls on a quick pace, the metal buttons of her unusual outfit chiming as she went, Sazel quickly reached the door to the club, opening it as gently as an overexcited girl with poor common sense could, which meant opening it quickly and loudly, striking a pose as if she had just broken some magical barrier. Sazel is greeted by a sparsely populated room, only seven or so individuals in total. Most were huddled around a buxom young woman who at first glance seemed to be nude, save for a thin cloth draped over her shoulder and flowing loosely between her legs. A few students, and the model, turned to the young Bestia invoker as she barged in, pausing their sketching to look at her with annoyance before settling on mild surprise. Apparently they were expecting someone else from that entrance. Behind the small group was an elevated desk, at which a silver haired young girl(?) was laid face down, heavily snoring and ignoring the rest of the gathered party. The young noble took a moment to take in what she was seeing, though her reaction was not one of awkwardness at the sight, first because she didn’t particularly follow social convention so the repulsion to nudity hadn’t been hammered into her mind, second because she knew the basics of what art academies did from one time in which her aunt took her to the one in the capital of her duchy. Of course, this room was way, way below the standard of that one, even though that one was already a dreary example of what an academy should be She ignored the stares at the moment, simply walking around the half-dozen artists and the model, stepping towards the elevated desk before taking a deep breath. [color=B2A95E]”Good evening! Are you the leader of this club? I need to speak with them about serious matters!”[/color] she told in a loud piercing tone. The young girl looks up at this new noise, purple eyes glaring holes at Sazel for interrupting what was decidedly nap time. [color=bc8dbf]”I am, unfortunately. What do you want? Can’t you see I’m in the middle of very important work?”[/color] They ask, shuffling a few papers and laying their head back down. [color=bc8dbf]”If this is about the modern art expo we did last week only two people were seriously injured and the school agreed that it didn’t happen. So whatever claims to damages you have should go to Cogsworths’ office for rejection. Not mine.”[/color] They add, grumbling slightly. [color=B2A95E]”Interesting! Another student who can do things while they sleep, I used to think I was odd for that skill, but you are like the fourth person like that I have met. As expected of a club leader, I guess!”[/color] she observed with a slow nod before her eyes shone at the mention of modern art. [color=B2A95E]”Ah, so it was your group which held that one exposition? That is cool! It sounded very fun from the descriptions, made me wish I was there, but I guess I just never cared much about art… until now!”[/color] she slapped her hand on the desk, looking quite dramatic as she finished the sentence. [color=B2A95E]”I need to learn how to draw as quick as possible! There is something that may or may not be important in line, leading to things that could possibly have consequences!”[/color] she started, arms up, metal thingamajigs chiming. [color=B2A95E]”And as such, I decided to join your club, after all, where else would I find people willing to help, plus, there are free pencils! So please, tell me the ways of the art of… art…? How do I start? Is it by drawing naked girls?”[/color] The girl stares at Sazel, eyes glazed over as if not paying attention. [color=bc8dbf]”...First off. No, the pencils are not free. We [b]PAY[/b] for those. Or atleast they come out of the club budget. So if you’re here to snag from my pencil horde I swear to god I will hentai hog tie you to the school flag pole.”[/color] She says, eyes stern as she sits up fully and glares at the other members. [color=bc8dbf]”That goes for all of you fucking moochers. You especially Clark! Yes I know it is you fucker don’t think I don’t.”[/color] She yells, a few of the members flinching but continuing to sketch. Turning back to Sazel the girls sighs. [color=bc8dbf]”But other than that yeah you can join the club. Normally I’d tell you to fuck off but the school has informed me I can’t reject people from the club for being a hassle. I’m Fran. It is...a thing that is happening to met you.”[/color] She says, offering a limp hand to shake. [color=bc8dbf]”As to how to learn...we’ve got books for that if you want to borrow some. We’re also doing a workshop on anatomy right now, so you can join the others in sketching Rena in still life for review. That’ll tell us at what level of inept you are working with and I can show you how to improve from there.”[/color] she adds laxly, sounding like she would only do so under protest. It took some time for the bestia to fully get she had been accepted, she was receiving too many mixed messages from this club leader. [color=B2A95E]”Wow? For real? You know, from the amount of curse words I thought this would be harder, the chroniclers had me writing a three page report on the spot and I am not even allowed to disclose the tests for the exploration club.”[/color] she shrugged. [color=B2A95E]”But hey, what type of person complains about easy things, not me, that is who! Ah yeah, my name is Sazel Zivrik, Bestia summoner, Adept tier one.[/color] Sazel raised her hands to behind her head and walked idly to the bookcase, taking the one that seemed to be the most newcomer friendly and skimming through casually. [color=B2A95E]”Hmm… yeah… seems to be what I imagined it would be… hmm! Bleh, this is boring, I will just go to the more interesting practical bits and draw some butts or whatever.”[/color] with that, she took a pencil and a blank canvas. Fran grumbled something incomprehensible and laid her head down, ignoring the new comer as they settled in. A few of the other club members gave her a cursory nod before going back to their own work. The model, however, shot Sazel a playful smile and nodded to an empty space in front of her, evidently inviting the girl to join their little semi-circle. Sazel nodded back before dragging a chair to the empty spot, sitting on it and placing the canvas in front of her, keeping the guide open on her feet before starting to look at the model, imitating the people in the pictures the book by closing one eye and raising the pencil. A few of the other students chuckle at the display but otherwise do nothing. The model sits quietly, holding her pose comfortably. Now that there is a chance for closer inspection, it looks like the ‘naked’ girl is in fact somewhat modest. If one counts flesh colored panties and tape over her breasts as modest. The quiet persists for a while, only the occasional clearing of a members throat or the snore from the club leader disturbing the silence. After twenty minutes the girl from the back stops snoring and raises her head. She checks the clock on the wall for a brief second before speaking. [color=bc8dbf]”You losers have 15 minute remaining to finish your sketches.”[/color] she states blithly, earning her a few glares from the other club members. [color=bc8dbf]”...don’t give me the ‘tude. Skirmishers reserved the room for a post work out dick measuring contest. Don’t like it tough titties.”[/color] She says, finally picking up a pencil and starting her own sketch silently. Sazel does her thing for a bit, having arrived late being new to all this. Seeing the worries of the model in staying modest she quickly connected the dots and understood who they were expecting when she ‘invaded’ their room. Soon, time was over, Sazel pouting softly at her work… it wasn’t anything to call her a brilliant newcomer, but… it wasn’t that bad either, already a step up from her doodling from before, albeit more time should have been spent on the structures of the body and the overall picture instead of spending so much effort into useless decorations and patterns over the canvas. She sighed. [color=B2A95E]”Whoa, who would have guessed moving a pencil around could be so tiring. Hey, Fran, you said I could borrow books, right?”[/color] she asked, turning, wondering if the leader would even be up or focused on whatever dream dimension work they were so busy with. ‘Well… if they weren't, they couldn’t say yes, but they also couldn’t say no to say, borrowing some books, paper and a handful of pencils’ Sazel thought, smirking. [color=bc8dbf]”Fuckin fine by me…”[/color] Fran grumbles, not looking up from her work. [color=bc8dbf]”Literally said you could. Just leave your sketch with me or Rena...Thats the naked girl, and we’ll have notes for you next time.”[/color] She says, scribbling quickly across her canvas. Looking at it, it seems Fran didn’t even bother trying to copy the model, instead sketching out the rough structure of a much thinner girl, fully clothed, girl hunched over some yet as defined compartment. [color=bc8dbf]”Just be sure to practice every night. You’re fucking worthless right now but you’ll keep being worthless if you don’t bother. And I can’t be ass’d to review the same shit over and over again.”[/color] She huffs, a tentacle sliding out of her clothing and quickly snatching up a finer point pencil as she leaned in to fix some minor detail. [color=B2A95E]”Yep, I get that this is worthless alright. If I drew the mysterious girl from the photo the teacher had, people still wouldn’t be able to recognize her. And oh! Of course I will train a lot, the sooner I do this, the lesser is the chance of me forgetting the features.”[/color] Sazel explained, forgetting she hadn’t even given the proper context on the situation yet. [color=B2A95E]”Thanks for the help today, and thanks to you too, Rena.”[/color] she said, keeping the courteous tone, even though now she was on a 50/50 on whether the chronicle club would see an anonymous report on the state of the art club as soon as she had her sketch of the mysterious girl made.