[center][hr][hr][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190626/f8534a5337744211a57ac81280efee15.png[/img][hr][hr][/center] Man, this was a small world. The familiar voice nearly caused Farah to miss the latest arrival's simple order for a water. Go figure, of course Michel would show up. She'd be more embarrassed that she didn't know that he went to the same college as Rachel Ashford, but their meetings had always been so brief and conversations far too interesting to talk about mundane crap. That and she was usually working anyway. Still, this probably wouldn't be the first or last time they'd bump into each other while she worked here. [color=98FB98]"Son of a--mmmm,"[/color] She cut herself off, trying hard not to be too annoyed, though the tight-lipped smile betrayed how she actually felt. [color=98FB98]"Normally when people reunite they say 'it's good to see you again' or...not that,"[/color] She couldn't help but chatise him, decided to take care of the girl's order first. [color=98FB98]"Here you go!"[/color] She placed the iced glass in front of the girl before taking a few steps away, throwing a look at the German. As cute as ever, but that was [I]always[/I] ruined anytime he opened his mouth. She didn't entirely hold it against him, but not everyone was born with a silver spoon in their mouth. But he did have a point, even if she didn't want to admit it. Going over and grabbing a beer mug, she randomnly chose 'whatever' as was asked, returning to him shortly afterwards. [color=98FB98]"My life's aspiration is to please, don't you know?"[/color] She told him in a perky voice, leaning on the bar for a moment. [hr][hr][right][sub]Interacting with: [@QueenNugget][@Altered Tundra][/sub][/right]