[hr][h1][color=silver][center]Argentum[/center][/color][/h1][hr] The hot water sat in his stomach like a warm stone radiating heat. That felt nice as he set up his tarp and cloak to cover the ground he was on as he began drying off the clothing he had gotten wet. It would make him feel cold right now as he wasn't wearing all of his layers, but he knew this was the best idea for the long term. As he began to check his gear he sat with as minimal clothing as he could get away with that was dry enough to not need to be near the fire as he boiled some more water to begin some hygiene procedures, first thing is to apply a warm wet cloth to his feet so they can warm up as he dries out his boots and socks that seem to have began to be soaked by the snow. As he now does some basic cleaning with the water to get mud and other gunk out of his gear. After he finishes up he starts reclaiming his gear and now starts putting on his gear now warmer than he was before and drier too he feels well enough to go on with the day, even if he got less than an ideal amount of sleep, it was better than nothing and being up this early did allow him to at least do some quality of life maintenance for himself so he can be slightly more comfortable in this cold environment. The bit of food he did eat was alright to say the least, it definitely wasn't as filling as the stew last night, but it was better than starving half to death. Still if something bigger was to be on the menu it would be a happy day for Argen. As Siwon is talking about hunting Argen seems to like the idea as he says [color=silver]"I'll go with you Siwon it would also be nice to see if we could catch anything more for food"[/color]. Argen wasn't the greatest of hunters but he knew if he saw a larger animal he could throw his spear with enough force to take it down. Besides nothing of real danger should show up...right?