Name: flint Sexuality: straight Age: 17 Appearance: [hider=flint] [img][/img] [/hider] Aliance: (LightSide or Darkside -chose only 1-) dark side DarkSide - Rat or legacy: legacy DarkSide- What syndicate you are in: yakuza Skills: hand to hand, lock picking ,arson,and can speak Japanese Powers: pyrokenesis and can feel the pins in a lock and if it is trapped allowing him to pick almost anything Bio: born in Boston November 4th 2002 Flint was one of the few Americans to join the yakuza. Given to them almost from birth as a way for his parents to repay his debt.he was raised by the kukoro family to become the perfect killer. Excelling at hand to hand lock picking ,and arson Flint was sent on jobs when they wanted to make it look like a accident one day when he was out a wave of dark matter hit him and knocked him out. Waking up in a circle of burnt grass Flint went home where they quickly discovered his powers and sent him to kings dominion to hone them. Personality : Flint is mostly carefree and easy going he doesn't care if he is a legacy he will hang out with the rats if he thinks they're cool . Diagnosed as a pyromaniac though Flint has a almost uncontrollable urge to start fires for his instant gratification causing him to get in trouble at times . Extras: Flint carries a lock picking kit he also carries a silver zipo lighter even though he can conjure up fire though he prefers to control it from a existing source