[hider=Tobias Keaton] [center][img]https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.BVB51S9ScuW0eekFIALXMAHaKL[/img] [url=https://fontmeme.com/signature-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190809/11a20bbc2e67b92f6c4af4b79bfc4cc7.png[/img][/url] [color=352DDA]Full Name:[/color] Tobias Alexander Keaton [color=352DDA]Nicknames/Aliases:[/color] Tobi, Professor Keaton [color=352DDA]Age:[/color] 35 [color=352DDA]Gender:[/color] Male [color=352DDA]Primary:[/color] Defense [color=352DDA]Professor of X/Staff Role:[/color] Professor of Defense [color=352DDA]Secondaries:[/color] Magical Infusement // Illumination [color=352DDA]Description:[/color] Tobias is a lean-albeit athletic-man, standing at 6'0" and weighing roughly 180 pounds. His hair is a shock of white (though he insists it's just [i]very, very[/i] blonde), which contrasts his dark brown eyes. His skin is deathly pale, though if one looked closely, they'd find a smattering of scars along his shoulders and back. He also has two very prominent scars on either side his waist. Tobias always has a friendly smile on his face, and carries himself with confidence; this makes him seem quite approachable. Tobias's clothing can be a bit eccentric. He enjoys wearing large, ornate cloaks adorned with various colors and patterns. His right ear is pierced, often bearing a small silver hoop ring. Tobias almost always has black fingerless gloves on, though they do not seem to have a practical use. Attached to his belt is a scabbard, which holds a [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knightly_sword]knightly sword[/url]. [color=352DDA]Personality:[/color] Tobias is, in a word, friendly. [i]Suspiciously[/i] friendly. He seems capable of breaking bread with just about anyone, regardless of who they might be. His easygoing grin and relaxed posture tend to put others at ease, especially upon first meeting him. He doesn't discriminate against one's age, speaking even to children as equals. Despite this, nobody seems to really [i]know[/i] him; he rarely shares any personal details about himself, and tends to avoid direct questions on the matter. Tobias has a way with words that makes him very persuasive, even manipulative at times; one would be hard-pressed to see through this act. Despite his somewhat lax nature, he's unnervingly punctual, always arriving [i]exactly[/i] five minutes early to any scheduled event. Moreover, he does take his job seriously, putting a great deal of time into creating lesson plans and projects for his students. In fact, the amount of work he gets done in short periods of time is quite staggering. Tobias does have some more unusual aspects of his personality. For one, he can sometimes be heard having full conversations with himself; he is quick to dismiss it as a bad habit, and becomes nervous when others catch him doing it. He is also especially prone to headaches, though he seldom complains, and refuses to seek out treatment for it. In addition, he tends to speak to his magical constructs as though they were living things (for example, his magically infused sword, or the balls of light he creates with his Illumination magic). Once again, he dismisses this behavior as a mere eccentricity, but to outsiders it may appear to be very strange. [color=352DDA]Relationship:[/color] N/A [color=352DDA]Skills:[/color] •Tobias is a gifted user of Defensive magic. He's a veritable master in the field, demonstrating great proficiency with both shields and negation fields. He is capable of using both as means of protecting himself, though he can also use them offensively. For instance, he can cover his body in a flexible shield, acting as a layer of armor that does not inhibit his movement. However, he can also trap opponents inside a combination shield/negation field, imprisoning them and removing their ability to use magic. •Tobias is also a practiced user of Illumination magic. In addition to Illumination's traditional usage, he can create balls of light that are capable of independent movement, which can be "detonated" by Tobias whenever he chooses. They are almost lifelike, in that they seem to respond to his voice and movements, though this is entirely Tobias's doing. •While not [i]as[/i] proficient with it, Tobias is decent with Magical Infusement as well. His sword, for example, is enchanted so that it can create an energy shield at Tobias's will. His favorite cloak is also enchanted to be fireproof. •Tobias is very charming, and gets along with others easily. He is capable of reading people, and is good at manipulating them when he feels the need to. •He has a great deal of combat experience, and makes for a difficult opponent to face in battle. He is unusually resilient, capable of taking quite a beating and yet still managing to get back on his feet. [color=352DDA]Weaknesses:[/color] •Tobias is a rather suspicious person. His secretiveness, in conjunction with his overt friendliness, can make him difficult to trust. •Certain magical wards seem to frighten him. He will refuse to enter some warded areas, and will leave if an area is about to [i]become[/i] warded. •His headaches can become near-debilitating if he gets overstimulated while they occur. Extremely strenuous physical activity or overexertion of his magic will cause this to happen. [color=352DDA]Brief History:[/color] [hider=Keaton Family History] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fireemblem/images/9/95/Black_Eagles_Banner.png/revision/latest?cb=20190504235717[/img] The Keatons, once a renowned family of military prowess, have long since fallen into obscurity. The bloodline goes back centuries, all the way to the Anglo-Saxons who inhabited Britain in the 5th century. The family originally served directly under Alfred the Great, acting as defenders of his territory. Their use of Defensive magic was a great boon to King Alfred's military force, allowing the King to exert his combat prowess to its fullest capability. The Keatons continued to serve the Anglo-Saxon monarchs until the birth of Cedric Keaton. From a young age, he established himself as something of a ruthless military leader; he was unflinchingly brutal toward enemies, trapping whole groups of people in shields and slowly suffocating them. It was during Cedric's time as the head of the Keaton family when William the Conqueror invaded England, intent on a Norman takeover; Cedric, deciding the current English king was weak, betrayed him for the Normans and ultimately helped cause his defeat. When William the Conqueror became the new ruler, Cedric suffocated the former English king's children to "eliminate them as potential threats to the throne." For this, William executed Cedric, declaring the act to be grossly inhumane. The remaining Keatons fled, their bloodline largely lost to history. [/hider] [hider=Tobias Keaton's History] Tobias Keaton was born to a Cassandra Keaton, with no apparent father in the picture. Oblivious to his bloody heritage, Tobias was raised in a surprisingly normal setting, given he only had his mother. She diligently taught him to use magic, despite their somewhat poor financial situation. Tobias proved to be a fast learner, picking up Defensive magic with relative ease. Magic was, to him, a source of pride; it gave him something to succeed at. Once he'd proved himself with Defensive magic, Cassandra also began to teach him Magical Infusement and Illumination to round out his abilities. She hoped he could find some sort of magic-based career in order to support himself. Then the war happened. Perhaps out of duty, or a desire to protect her son, Cassandra Keaton volunteered to fight against the cult. Despite being out of practice, she joined up with a local battalion and defended the area for just over a year. However, she died in a large-scale battle against the cult, leaving Tobias an orphan. Deciding he had nothing left to lose, Tobias decided to carry on the fight in her name, throwing himself into the war against the cult. He purported himself to be fighting for a noble cause, but deep down, he knew it was about vengeance. However, his inexperience with combat proved to be his detriment, as he was captured six months later. The cult members holding him captive subjected him to all manners of torture, but Tobias proved himself to be quite resilient. But when they learned his full name-Tobias [i]Keaton[/i]-it all came to a very sudden stop. They started to feed him regularly, and nobody laid a finger on him. Another three months passed. Finally, a group was sent to rescue Tobias, along with others taken prisoner alongside him. But when that group arrived, it seemed every living thing in the vicinity had suffocated--every living thing except Tobias, who was locked in a small room by himself. He was immediately taken to safety, and once he recovered, he dove right back into the fray. Now, here he is, about to become a professor at the Marchand Academy of Sorcery; he wasn't sure if a teaching position would suit him, but he was sure as hell going to try. [/hider] [color=352DDA]Other:[/color] He has no idea who his birth father is, as his mother never told him. [/center] [/hider]