[@Kazemitsu][@JewelProphet30][@Raptra][@PokimKyOshi] "Imma box him then sell the video to Animal Planet." She said confidently, pulling herself back up onto the step. "If they're gonna fund a whole show about four big ol' rednecks going to look for him I figure I'll get on there easy." She suddenly smirked, tilting her head from behind the viewfinder. "You really think he's a guy?" Claude hadn't considered bigfoot might be sentient. To her it was simple; cool ass people would be living at the school and in the dorms, but you'd keep a weird ass animal in the woods so you didn't have to clean up its massive mythological dumps. Still, the thought excited her. "That'd be even better." She said with a smirk. "We could do pre-fight trash talk, interviews, do this up right." Her thoughts were pulled away from the idea of a properly promoter pay-per-view when she heard voices coming from another room. She turned her back to the stairs and peeked around the corner into the nearest room. The boy from the hallways was in there, along with a girl from the bus and and a dude that was already in bed. "C'Mon, you're all Tuckered out already? We barly just got here."