Penelope ran a hand through her hair as Letitia asked Crow for his name. She gave a small frown at his helpless shrug and looked towards Letitia as he introduced himself using his real name. Worried about Letitia piecing together who he was, she held her breath as she subtly eyed the older woman's expression. However, Letitia didn't seem to connect the dots at first. The servant smiled at him and gave a respectful dip of her head. "Well it's lovely to finally meet you, Collin." she said in a friendly manner. Just as Penelope was beginning to relax, however, the older woman paused as the wheels in her mind seemed to begin to turn a bit more. Her friendly demeanor faded slightly and she glanced towards Penelope. "Say.. Isn't the new viceroy named.." she trailed off and her gaze snapped back to Crow. As Letitia's eyes widened in realization, Penelope cringed. She could already tell Crow's attempt to keep her in the dark about who he truly was hadn't worked. Though it had taken her a moment, the servant had already connected the dots that tied his familiar face and name together. "Letitia, wait—" Penelope took a step towards her, trying to intervene before Letitia could react. She was to late though. "You're the thief turned viceroy!" Letitia exclaimed with visible shock. "I've seen your wanted posters before.. and I've certainly heard plenty about you from the family I serve." Her gaze darted to Penelope and she shifted to put herself protectively in front of the knight. While it might have been a bit of an amusing sight to see a servant trying to defend a knight, this was the exact reaction Penelope had been afraid of. "What on earth is going on here? What business do you have being with her, thief? I may just be a servant but I won't stand for any nonsense here!" she declared, holding up her head a bit defiantly as she eyed Crow warily.