[@kingeditor] I cut my teeth in older editions and don't mind much what alignment people play. So long as your character has a strong enough reason / motivation to work co-cooperatively with the party, I think having a mix of alignments makes things more interesting and develops some strong interparty dynamics among the characters. That being said I would not accept, say, a chaotic character stabbing other characters in their sleep or looting all their gear, or allowing a player to use their alignment as an excuse to ruin everyone's fun. Basically if you think a particular action would be particularly dickish or step on some toes, [b]announce it in the OOC[/b] first and see what people think. Rule of cool applies ;) I don't think it'll be an issue. Rolling is 4d6 for each stat and drop the lowest. If you happen to get something utterly abysmal, let me know though.