Dropping my application for this because I'm interested! [hider=Damian Connors] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/72/b4/fb/72b4fb785909abff577be20d51dfd62f.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Character you have created:[/b] Dr. Damian Connors [b]Alias:[/b] Hood [b]Speech Color:[/b] [color=Silver]Silver[/color] [b]Character Alignment:[/b] Walking the Line [b]Identity:[/b] Unknown [b]Character Personality[/b]: Damian is a very thoughtful individual. The type of person to think his way through things and carefully weigh his options before committing or jumping into anything serious. He is sometimes seen as hesitant by some because of this or even cynical considering he doesn't always make a choice just because it's the right one, but based on how it'll affect things down the line or if it'll have severe repercussions later on. He's the type of individual to constantly look at the bigger picture, and because of this he can seem a bit calloused as well. Having a career as a forensic pathologist has certainly added layers of thick skin and has numbed away most of his compassion, something he believes he had to sacrifice and cut away in order to continue and advance his career. Although a very nice individual, he does see others as little more than walking constructs made from organic flesh. Due to his time and career spent with the dead, he is somewhat awkward around others. But he does have a level of charm about him that he's retained before entering his pathology residency. However subtle, it does pop out from time to time and often reminds him of what he could've been, or how he could've been as a person had he chosen a different profession. [b]Uniform/costume:[/b] A black hood trimmed in gold that covers his face in unnatural shadows and continues down as a cloak with the same colour palate. Underneath the cloak he wears a black and gold bodysuit, with golden hieroglyphs running down along the lateral side of arms and legs. On his waist is a silken, gold-dyed cloth wrapped around with a loose end hanging down like a loin-cloth. And on the centre of his chest is the [url=https://image.shutterstock.com/image-vector/anubis-tribal-tattoo-260nw-1375456745.jpg]symbol of Anubis[/url] [b]Origin Info/Details:[/b] Damian was born into a family of doctors, his parents, grandparents, uncles, and aunts all physicians with a few outliers here and there. As such, he was expected from a young age to follow in his family's footsteps. Schooling however didn't come easy for him despite his parents constant demand that he get better grades. What he was good at however was sports. Specifically basketball. He would find himself playing ball outside constantly whenever he was done with his homework, or sometimes even sneaking out before getting it done to play with his friends. Eventually he made it into his varsity high school team and in his senior year his dreams of becoming part of the NBA, a dream he'd had since middle school, were shattered when he completely tore his ACL and partially tore his LCL in his right leg. After the surgeries, he graduated highschool and eventually got into medical school. It was there that his fascination with the dead began, and the physiology behind death; and although his first forensics lab and dissecting a recently deceased body shook him, he slowly grew numb to it as he did more and more forensic labs. After medical school and getting placed into pathology, he chose a forensic subspecialty in order to focus more on the aspects and causes of death. Years later, during a week long medical conference in Cairo, Egypt he decided to go touring and visit the pyramids. During the tour, he and his friend, Chris, paid the guide to take them into the Grand Pyramid. While they were inside, Damian heard a whisper coming from the walls of the pyramid and at first ignored it, thinking it was nothing more than shifting sands. When he heard it again louder, his curiosity got the better of him and he decided to investigate, following the whispers through narrow corridors until he came upon a chamber with a black and gold sarcophagus. The whispers grew louder and louder as he drew near. It was then that the guide came into the chamber in a panicked state telling Damian to pull back. But instead, he touched the sarcophagus and instantly collapsed. He found himself in a strange room surrounded in golden braziers, and in the centre was the massive form of Anubis. After a short conversation, Anubis told Damian of the troubled and imbalanced world above, and that he was chosen to correct and sustain that delicate balance. Damian was instead confused, saying that he didn't have the capabilities to protect anyone, and thus Anubis spent centuries with Damian teaching him the theories of ancient magic and how to cast various spells. Centuries worth of forgotten knowledge and experience was learned, he met the ancient Egyptian gods, befriending some, making a few enemies, and living several lifetimes in the underworld. When his learning was done, Damian came through in a hospital with his friend and girlfriend both present. Confusion written all over his face, Chris told him that a week had passed since he'd touched the sarcophagus. He was discharged later that day and booked a flight back to Portland where he told Jessica, his then girlfriend now wife, of what happened while he was in a coma. AFter not believing him, he showed her his powers and told her to keep it only between them, that no one, not even his parents could know of what he now was. [b]Hero Type:[/b] Mystic [b]Power Level:[/b] Cosmic [b]Powers:[/b] Damian's powers come from the multitude of spells that he knows and has learned from his time with Anubis. They come in the form of: [list] [*]Magic Projections - Damian can create and release magical projections as a form of long-range attack. He can minimally change the shape of the projections but not the property. [*]Force-field Generation- As a defence, Damian can create magical force-fields around himself to deflect magical, physical, and energy type attacks for a short time. [*]Magic Reflection - Damian can reflect and deflect simple spells and projections cast against him. Or even dispel the magic entirely in some minor cases. [*]Magic Detection - Hood as an acute sense for magic and can detect subtle magical energies being around or in a planet if he focuses. The stronger the magic-user or spell, the easier it is for him to detect. [*]Magic Portal Creation - One of Damian's favourite spells is portal creation in order to teleport to wherever he needs to get to immediately. [*]Magical Telekenesis - Another versatile spell that Damian has in his arsenal as more of an ease-of-life type of thing. The versatility of the spell allows him to use it in many situations both in and out of combat. [*]Magical Flight - He can use his magic to fly, and often uses this with a small force-field to go into incredible speeds without damaging himself. [/list] [b]Attributes (Select one at each category):[/b] [indent] Height: 6'2" Weight: 190 lbs Strength Level: Average Speed/Reaction Timing Level: Average Endurance at MAXIMUM Effort: 4 hours Agility: Average Intelligence: Genius Fighting Skill: Trained Resources: Large[/indent] [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Physical attacks are his main weakness. Even with his magical defences, he's incredibly susceptible to physical damage and a punch that would normally kill an ordinary human would also naturally kill him. Since all of his powers come solely from magic, any sort of anti-magic artifact or spell would render him as an average human. [b]Supporting Characters:[/b] [list] [*]Jessica Connors - Wife [*]Tyrone Connors - Father [*]Mona Connors - Mother [*]Chris Dalesworth - Close friend [*]Henry Fisher - Close friend [*]Sophia Connors - Sister [/list] [hider=Sample Post] Damian walked into the living room and sat down, a troubled look on his face. He'd received his orders a day prior and he still hadn't left the city. It seemed almost... wrong. This was the first time he had to do something like this, and yet he knew that this day would eventually come. For the past several months he'd been off saving civilizations from planet busting tyrants and mad men bent towards the destruction of sentient life. He felt as if he was making a change, he could see the immediate effects of his actions of the relief and gratitude he received on his various missions and he could predict the long-term outcomes. The eventual growth in population and restabilization of order. And even with his latest order he knew he'd be doing a greater good. Or at least that's what he predicted. Feeling a hand on his shoulder he looked up to see Jessica sitting next to him, a concerned look on her face. "You okay?" She asked him. [color=Silver]"Not really,"[/color] he said with a shake of his head. [color=Silver]"There's a ruler in a distant planet I have to kill.[/color] Jessica frowned. "Not very different from what you usually do. He's a tyrant isn't he?" [Color=Silver]"No. He's probably the best thing to happen to that planet. Everyone's full, happy, prosperous."[/color] "Wait... then-then why do you have to kill him?" Damian stood up, his normal shirt and pants changing into his black and gold cloak. [color=Silver]"His continued rule will lead to overpopulation, which will, according to Anubis, slowly destabilize the economy of the local star system. He's death will prevent an eventual disaster."[/color] Jessica stood and walked in front of him, he watched her lift the hood from his face. "Are you sure? Are you certain this information is true? Aren't you the one who said destiny and fate are constantly fluctuating?" Damian nodded. [color=Silver]"They are, but what am I to do, Jessica? Let it happen on the off-chance that it won't?"[/color] "You're not an assassin, Damian. There has to be some other way." He looked away. [color=Silver]"One life to save billions. If I don't kill him, I let countless lives fall to ruin and suffering. I can prevent that. With one death."[/color] "And how do you know if you do kill him that outcome will just happen anyway? How do you know it won't get worse?" Damian was silent for a moment, then put on the hood and floated back from his wife. [color=Silver]"I'm sorry,"[/color] he said as a black portal ripped open behind him. [color=Silver]"I can't sit around and do nothing. But if there's another way, I'll look for it."[/color] Then he was gone. [/hider] [/hider]