So, there was the war between the Empire and the Aldmeri Dominion before Skyrim's events took place. The Empire nearly lost outright, the Blades were hunted down by the Thalmor, and the relations between Man and Mer were more or less shattered. But if I recall, we never got told by NPCs/books about specific battles or campaigns or anything like that - or maybe a few, I'm probably just missing some of it! ^_^' Anyway, you can probably gather from the title what my idea here is. To fight a war, of course! The Blades and the Thalmor butted heads oh so many times I can imagine, but we never got know anything beyond that fact. I thought "why not just make our own Last Stand of the Blades"-ish RP? I'd write a bit more if I had time to, but for now that's where I'll leave it. I'd prefer to know if anyone's interested in the base idea before expanding this! :3