[color=92278f]"This is your last chance Six"[/color], Sev breathed haggardly as she struggled, [color=92278f]"It doesn't have to be this way"[/color]. She could sense the slightest hesitation from Six before simply uttered, [color=f7941d]"It [i]has[/i] to be this way"[/color]. Luckily Sev was being held in an angle where Six had a blind spot. Sev's optics were picking up movement, something small and scurrying. It was Ra coming in to assist. Sev took this opportunity to pull against Six with all of her strength just as she was going in for the killing blow. She'd managed to evade just enough for Six to slice through the ponytail that she was being held by. Six brought back nothing but a bundle of synthetic hair in her fist. The scoutbot found it's mark as it impacted against her face and activated. The bot harried Six and flitted about, distracting her long enough for Sev to tumble and roll a few feet away. [color=f7941d]"Wha-"[/color], Six slashed at the bot wildly, grunting in frustration, [color=f7941d]"This toy won't save you Seve-"[/color]. I blaster bolt flying from the counter behind Sev and ripped through Six's left shoulder. In spite of the force of the shot Six stood her ground as if she'd merely been pushed gently. A combination of the down from her jacket and blue blood erupted from the wound. The androids exchanged confused glances until Six's gaze fell upon the source of the blast. Sev glanced over her shoulder to find X holding a blaster rifle like he'd been designed for combat. Six's face had been splattered with blue flecks of her own synthetic blood. She looked even more crazed than she had before. She held up her arm and activated the knife, gearing up to throw once again. Sev had one opportunity to take Six out of the fight. Her body reacted before she even fully processed what she was doing. Without hesitation, Sev reached onto the small of her back and brandished the sawed-off. She didn't aim for Six's head, that would've killed her easily. Instead she set her sights on the heated knife. Just as Six had reached the peak of her throwing motion Sev pulled the trigger and unleashed the shells. The heated knife must have reacted to the buckshot, resulting in a minor explosion. Six's heads-up display was filling with red exclamation points and damage assessments indicating that she was in trouble. When the smoke finally cleared Six's once elegant hand was nothing more than a smoldering, skeletal mess. The immense heat of the reaction had caused two of her fingers to melt and fuse together. There was an awkward pause before Six grabbed the area where her hand had once been and simply began shrieking in agony. Sev knew exactly what had happened. There was a certain threshold of damage that they could take before their pain receptors would reactivate. It was a system that let them know if they needed to retreat from a fight. Six's pain receptors had just caught up to the amount of damage that she'd taken. It pained Sev to put her sister into such a state but it had to be done. [color=92278f]"X"[/color], Sev got up to her feet, [color=92278f]"You need to get the hell out of here and never come back"[/color]. The old android looked to Sev with slightly puzzled expression, "Wh- Where will I go? What will I do". [color=92278f]"It doesn't matter"[/color], Sev exclaimed, [color=92278f]"Just go"[/color]. With that she shoved the android by it's shoulder to prompt him to get moving. It's joints groaned and creaked with ever step it took towards the exit. By now Six was on her knees still clutching the stump and screaming hysterically. Sev wanted to try to talk to her, comfort her, anything. But she wasn't the sister that she knew anymore. Six was a murderous monster now. Sev took one last good look at Six as she writhed on the lobby floor before she turned to leave and find Nessa. She grabbed the scoutbot and placed it onto her belt like she'd watched Nessa do before. [color=92278f]"Come on Ra"[/color], she called to the creature as she sped towards the bay area. More sounds of combat could be heard echoing through the corridors. [color=92278f]"Just hold on Ness"[/color], Sev said under her breath.