OCC: I think this posted sounds better I somewhat corrected. [quote=@Jasper19] Flint waved." Hello, bless. I have no intention of joining your school just wanted to check out what it looks like", He says as he begins to do tricks with his lighter." I also heard about a beautiful girl here so that was a plus.", He says smiling and holds out his hand. [/quote] Bless heard Flint, she sort of frowned by Flint's remark. Bless gazed at Zion for a bit just gazing at each other. Zion nodded his head yes somehow understanding Bless. Bless smiled awkwardly. "I thank you Flint for coming to see me. Should I have the school teach you beauty and grace our values virtues here before you leave?", Bless asked. As Flint saw Zion, it was very clear they have values and virtues over their minds preventing them from exercising wild decisions plus choices. Zion smiled awkwardly keeping his posture. "Forgive us Flint, the criminal world plus the sinfull world is infamous for pissing off billions of folks.", Zion said, [img]https://i.imgur.com/kY2484M.jpg[/img][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/b5/eb/e5/b5ebe5ac2291808c3fef65449f3de15e.jpg[/img]