[center] [centre][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/divinus-iii/images/d/df/Shengshi-logo.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/310?cb=20190112093445[/img][/centre] [centre][h1]Shengshi[/h1][/centre] [centre][h2]5MP/3FP[/h2][/centre] & [h1][color=plum]Laurien[/color][/h1] [/center] [hr] It had been three weeks since that fateful day upon the beach. Three, long weeks of waiting, of anger, confusion, and far too many questions. None of it had been easy, the lies were the hardest of all to spin, but she did so. She told Rowan that Orvus was desperately called away by something, one of his siblings most likely. He did not know when he would return, but entrusted Laurien to watch over them until Shengshi arrived. It was easy to explain that her sword had been given to protect the eye while Orvus and Arya were away. She also made mention of the powers that Orvus bestowed upon her to succeed in this task. Most importantly, she had her out, and that Orvus had told her to protect her people when Shengshi came to take them. The Eye had Arya and Orvus, those that went with Ohannakeloi had his protection, but these ones needed protection as well. She had been convincing and most believed her, save for Rowan. It was hard to tell what she was thinking, but Laurien knew the trust that had been between them, was badly broken. She shrugged it off and said her goodbyes when the time came. Lily and Ava did not understand why she had to go, and Laurien could hardly even look at them when she gave her reasons. They left crying. As for the Eye itself, without Orvus around, rumors spread rampantly, of abandonment, and faith. Had their god abandoned them? Laurien knew the answer, and it was one she could never tell. As such, a new rumor was created by her little followers. When the River Lord came, he would take any who wanted luxury, and slowly this truth settled into the mortal hearts of the Nebulites. Many were swayed to join Polyastera, but those who thought it foolish and morally wrong generated a rift in the Nebulites. Rowan was chief among them, and became their voice. Those who were on Polyastera’s side, began to gather at the tree. Talks were had almost daily, and Laurien watched as the rift grew. And then, Shengshi came at last. A golden speck on the horizon quickly became the magnificent ship sailing on a constantly breaking and reforming river. It slowly descended down to the great branch, where it neatly landed on a small grove, crushing it utterly. The river beneath the ship became stairs up the side of the hull, and at the very top stood Shengshi, wearing a dark scowl. The scowl melted away after a moment, though, and was replaced with a forced smile. “Be greeted, people of Orvus and--...” A few echoing sniffs sounded. “... Ohannakeloi! As promised, I have come to give you what it is that you crave!” A large crowd began to gather before the stairs, as one after another the Nebulites stared in awe. Through the crowd, came Laurien wearing a simple green dress. She pushed through to the very front and then bowed, with many of the Nebulites following her cue. [color=plum]”Greetings your lordship! Welcome to the Branch of the World Tree and, to the Eye of Desolation.”[/color] she said before standing back up. The snake bowed back, albeit not as deeply. “Ah, Laurien - a pleasure to see you, as always. Yes, this is my first time sailing over this land… I do enjoy the jungle motif.” He hummed to himself. “So, would Polyastera please come forth?” “Of course, Your Lordship,” came a voice like lavender and silk. The young woman with skin like strawberry milk and hair like Heliopolis itself stepped forth from between the masses, magnificent sparkles twinkling in between the luminous strands hanging from her head down to her hips. She curtesied and the snake wrinkled his nose. “You called and I have come. Are all these gathered behind you determined to come along for one night of unparalleled luxury?” “Firmly determined, Your Lordship,” Polyastera assured. Laurien smirked and crossed her arms. There would be no coming back from this. The moment Polly stepped on that ship, she would never go back to this life. It was what she desired, after all and Laurien had simply given her a subtle push. The snake nodded slowly. “So be it. A word of caution, however - once this day has passed, you may not ever achieve this level of opulence and richness ever again. Are all of you prepared to live your lives knowing this?” “Absolutely!” Polyastera swore almost before the snake had finished speaking. Shengshi winced a little and flattened his mouth. “V-very well, then.” He cleared his throat. “Come aboard then, all those who wish, and experience the great wealth that is the fortune of Shengshi!” Polyastera nearly sprinted up the stairs, followed by Pallason, Titanon, Philia and a horde of other Nebulites lusting for the snake’s promised treatment. Laurien watched her people go up the stairs, her hands now behind her back. She waited until the last straggler made their way up on board before she even began walking. Her heart began to beat faster as her thoughts turned to how she was going to explain Orvus’ disappearance to his Lordship. Would he ask more questions? Would he snoop in her mind for the truth? She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. Whatever was going to happen, would happen and she needed some wine. Immediately as her heel touched the deck, a crew of servants surrounded her, bowed, and promptly began to dress her in unfathomably soft silks. The servants employed ladders and chairs to reach high enough, one of them squirting a small cloud of lotus perfume onto her cheeks with an inclined head. A distance away, Laurien saw Polyastera wave to her, her body overtaken by ten small servants all massaging her every inch. Laurien could not help but smile at the sight, and waved back. She shivered at the softness of the silks and the smell of the lotus was delightful. The servant with the perfume bottle asked politely: “Would the Lady like a massage, as well?” [color=plum]”No, but she would like a bath. And if at all possible, the same darlings who washed me so long ago.”[/color] Laurien purred. “Of course, my Lady,” the servant replied with a smile and descended the ladder. The other Nebulites around were expressing their joy and pleasure through laughter, gasps and sighs. The palace gates swung open behind them to unleash a tide of robed Servants, the flanks carrying fragrant dishes in both hands that seemed to lure in the eyes of everyone aboard. The centre of the great wave came in the form of teams of six carrying huge pots. Between each team came tray bearers, their hands carrying a disk towering with cups. The Nebulites, now dressed in silks matching their colours, eyed the food ravenously. The snake snapped his fingers and the pots were lowered to the deck with thunderous bangs. He snapped them again and the lids atop the pots were pulled off. An overwhelming sour, intoxicating smell drowned out the scent of the meals. Polyastera’s eyed flared open and she licked her lips. “What… Is that?” Pallason gulped. “I have no idea, but I want it.” [color=plum]”Wine my darlings, drink up.”[/color] Laurien mused, before having a cup filled for her. She took a drink and sighed as the flavor washed over her tongue. It was delicious. Polyastera gasped and nearly ripped a winecup out of a frightened Servant’s hand. She downed it all in a single gulp. Then she froze. She stood still with the cup to her lips. After a moment, tears welled up in her eyes and she slowly lowered the cup with a shivering hand. The frightened servant sheepishly offered to refill it and she held it out with an empty expression on her face. Her friends gave her concerned looks and Philia asked worriedly: “Polly, are you okay?” Polyastera looked up at Laurien with eyes like ravenous wolves. A maddened grin crossed her lips and she had another drink of wine, downing this cup all at once, too. “I love this. I LOVE IT!” [color=plum]”I knew you would.”[/color] Laurien whispered under her breath before smiling widely, [color=plum]”Drink until your heart's content, then drink more!”[/color] she said, taking another sip of her wine. Polyastera already looked tipsy. Her friends had delved into similar levels of decadence. The mood on deck quickly turned from wild joy to senseless debauchery, food and wine being inhaled like air. The mess on the floors, clothes, walls and everywhere in between disappeared as far as it appeared before Servant brooms, mops and rags. The snake found the sight to be surprising, and perhaps a little concerning. However, he had promised them the day, and the day, they would have. He turned and went up into his tower. There, he would wait until the next dawn. Laurien, meanwhile, was being guided down to the bathhouse as before. There, she was greeted by the six young ladies who had washed her all those years ago. They hadn’t aged a day, still as beautiful and smiling as they were back then. Ke Ai, Gu Niang, Xiao Jie, Ai Qing, Mei Li and Hao Shuang - all their names flowed back to her mind. “Welcome back, our Exalted Guest, Lady Laurien - may these Servants be of aid?” [color=plum]”Yes, indeed… It’s been far too long.”[/color] Laurien said as she let her silken gown fall to the floor. [color=plum]”It’s good to see you again, my friends.”[/color] Laurien said as she settled down into the water. “It has indeed been far too long,” Ke Ai agreed. “Has our Exalted Guest been well over the past years?” The ladies surrounded her in the water and began to scrub her skin with arousingly textured towels. Ke Ai herself sat herself down by Laurien’s head and began to rub soaps and oils into her long hair. Mei Li momentarily left her post by Laurien’s left arm to fetch her a tall cup of wine. Laurien closed her eyes as she reveled in the sensations. [color=plum]”I’ve been fairly well, how about all of you?”[/color] Laurien cooed. “Life here is perfect, my Lady,” Ke Ai assured and tugged out a knot of hair. “None of us want for anything, so life goes on in its merry way.” She paused. “It is quite a crowd you’ve brought along, isn’t it?” [color=plum]”It is, but they wanted this, you know. Who knew that the story of my time here would have been so influential and they’ve taken to it already.”[/color] Laurien said, opening her eyes to take a sip of wine. She flashed a smile at Mei Li as she did. “You humble us, my Lady,” Ke Ai giggled. “To think that you would tell stories about us that would inspire so many to visit. Did they seem to be enjoying themselves up there?” [color=plum]”You, and his Lordship’s hospitality, was my inspiration, after all. But yes, they did seem to be enjoying themselves, if not just a bit too much. But can you blame them? His Holiness is a gift to this world, and he is very kind.”[/color] Laurien said, taking another sip as she sank lower into the water. “His Lordship would no doubt be grateful to hear that,” Ke Ai assured. There then was a knock on the door. Ke Ai and the other girls looked up, then at one another with slight confusion. Hao Shuang stepped out of the bath and wrapped herself in her uniform gi before shuffling swiftly over to the door. She opened it and exchanged whispering words with someone on the other side, but there came an undoubtable identification in the form of a familiar voice, “Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuurieeeeen!” Polyastera called from the other side of the door. Laurien winced at the girls voice. Was she that gone already from just a few cups? Laurien sighed and pushed herself up and over to the door, caring not that she got water over everything. She folded her arms against her chest. [color=plum]”Yes Polly?”[/color] Laurien said as she gestured for the door to be opened. Outside was a small horde of Nebulites, lead by a messily dressed Polyastera. They all eyed Laurien with varying degrees of focus and collectively began to cheer and praise her. Polyastera let out a gross burp and clumsily wrapped her arms around Laurien’s back. “Yooo jus’ leftus, baaaabe… How could’oo…” The other Nebulites around stormed into the bathhouse, clothes flying everywhere. The six Servants in the bath began to simulate a cold sweat. Laurien frowned at the sight, growing irritated that her bath had been ruined. She turned around and caught Polyastera by her shoulders. [color=plum]”I needed a bath, a proper bath by these lovely servants. These are the same ones that washed me on my first stay here and now,”[/color] she looked at the mass of bodies in the tub, water overflowing. [color=plum]”And now you can enjoy it as well. But first.”[/color] Laurien let go of Poly and moved her to the side gently. The tall Nebulite then clapped her hand and shouted, [color=plum]”Behave yourselves in this tub, or I will throw you off this ship myself!”[/color] before turning back to Polly and holding out her hand, [color=plum]”Come sit by me.”[/color] The Nebulites drunkenly obeyed to the best of their abilities, some snailing their way back out of the tub to wait their turn, others making their way to the various chairs and benches around the room to relax with fruits, nuts, pastries and much, much more wine. In through the door came a number of additional servants dressed in the bathhouse gis, donning strained smiles hiding stressed frowns. Polly clung to Laurien’s arm like an anchor and struggled with walking as the tall heroine brought her to the tub. “Issho hot in heeeere,” she complained. [color=plum]”Well you are wearing clothes silly.”[/color] Laurien said as they stood at the edge of the tub. She flashed a sympathetic smile to Ke Ai and the other Servant girls before turning back to look at Polly. “Oooooh,” Polyastera realised and tried to wiggle herself out of her cumbersome robes. She plucked fruitlessly at the knot holding together her waistband. A servant hurried over, undid the knot for her and gathered the robes in the span of less than half a minute. Polyastera grunted her appreciation and nearly collapsed into the water, thankfully landing on top of two other Nebulites and pushing them underwater instead. She gathered herself and let out a satisfied sigh at the water’s temperature at the same time as the two other Nebulites gasped for air. A wine cup entered Polyastera’s hand and while completely ignoring the complaints peppering her from the two, she leaned in against Laurien’s chest and sighed. “I’m sho happy, babe… I wuv you…” Laurien put an arm around Polly’s waist and pulled her closer. [color=plum]”Aw, I love you too.”[/color] she said amused. [color=plum]”Now, not to play mother, but sip dear, sip the wine. It’s better that way.”[/color] “You’d make uh good mozzer,” Polly replied sluggishly and took another generous ‘sip’ of wine. “Y’know, Iwannanamemydaughter… Laurien… After yooooo.” She smiled stupidly, though there was a genuine sheen of affection in her eyes. Laurien tilted her head in surprise as she looked Polly in the eyes. The little woman was surprisingly being genuine. It was enough to melt her heart a little. Laurien squeezed her tightly and said, [color=plum]”Oh Polly, that’s far too kind. A little Laurien, how adorable she would be, and how spoiled.”[/color] Laurien flashed a giddy smile. “Just like usssss!” Polly giggled and looked up with a smack of her lips. “We gonna have the [i]biggest[/i] palace EVER, ‘n like a billions of servantsh!” Ke Ai, who had sat herself down next to Laurien again and was doing her best to bathe her despite the crowdy pool, giggled politely. “It would be an honour,” she replied in a mandatory manner. “Every day, every night - jusht like thish! Oh, wouldn’ that be amazhing, Lau-Lau?!” [color=plum]”Yes dear one. It would be wonderful, beyond our wildest dreams.”[/color] Laurien said happily as she leaned into Polly, letting Ke Ai work on her neck and upper back. She took another sip of her wine before giving a small kiss upon Polly’s forehead. Polyastera ducked up at the last second and made it a kiss on the lips instead. Drunkenly, she bit her lip playfully. “I--I reckon… I reckon I will neeeed… Shomeone to share my queenshize bed wiff.” He raised her cup into the air and shouted, “ANY VOLUNTEERSH?!” The closest ones all shouted their willingness; from the back of the room, however, came a quiet, “what’d she say?!” Laurien bit her lip after the kiss, before saying, [color=plum]”I think you already know the answer to your question.”[/color] her voice echoing playfully. “You make me sho happyyyy,” Polly whispered lovingly and took another gulp of wine. “When I am (urp!), am queen, Laurry --” she took another sip. “-- you will be my… My… Wossname…” “Concubine?” Ke Ai offered helpfully. “Whassat?” Polly asked with an inebriated frown. “Essentially, it is another wife in addition to the one you have, my Lady,” Ke Ai said and gave the room a scan with a frown even she couldn’t hide. “... Though this servant reckons the concept of marriage is a little different to your kind.” “Whass marridge, Laurry?” Polyastera asked. [color=plum]”Hmm, true, you wouldn’t really know what marriage is. Take… Take Orvus and Rowan for an example. They are a married couple, a man and a woman, but it can be a man and man or a woman and a woman. They swear to be eachothers and no one else. I’ll explain in detail when you are sober.”[/color] Laurien said with a laugh. “Pffffffffffffft,” Polyastera blurted out with some aggressive spittle. “Who’d wanna shtop at jussh one?! Marridge ish DUMB!” The others who had been listening raised their glasses and cheered along. Laurien raised her eyebrow before snickering as she toasted. They were after her own heart, the little Nebulites. [color=plum]”Love you who want to love, I say.”[/color] she whispered to Polly. “Preciselicioush,” Polly replied and kissed Laurien again. [hr] The bathhouse party had continued its debauchery. It was not the only one, as the Nebulites had made messes of the feast hall, the deck and a good chunk of the bedrooms. Heliopolis had even had the chance to rise before the celebrations truly ended. Littered almost like corpses, hungover Nebulites laid spread throughout the various rooms of the great ship. Nervous, traumatised servants diligently did their best to replace millenium old broken furniture and undo the various damages done to priceless paintings and artifacts. The bathhouse had eventually been evacuated after one who had had too much had thought the great tub was a vomit bucket. It would take months for the holy vessel to recover. The guests, on the other hand, were extremely satisfied. The breakfast table, though attended by measly half of the guests and a measly quarters of those being able to eat, had a warm, chucklesome mood about it. Polly had her forehead on the tabletop, droning in agony as her fork blindly tried to stab at some eggs. Laurien ate her fill, only stopping to when she noticed Polly. [color=plum]”You know, eating helps dear.”[/color] she said digging into some bacon. Laurien was satisfied with how things had turned out but at the same time, was a bit disappointed. The Nebulites had done a very good job at destroying the place, and she felt pity towards the servants who would have to clean up after them. Though, it was their job… “Dunwannaaaa…” Polyastera muttered to the floor. Her fork stabbed a tomato and the little fruit spat some wet seeds at her hair. Laurien smirked. [color=plum]”Suit yourself then, you won’t have another feast like this for many, many years. If at all.”[/color] she said looking over to where Cassie was talking and eating next to Pallason. Titanon lovingly nursed a terribly hungover Philia and slowly fed her some eggs from a spoon. Polyastera droned some more. Over time, more and more Nebulites seemed to find their way to the breakfast table. The enthusiasm of yesterday had noticeably deflated, but weak smiles and ravenous eyes on most faces showed that, if they ever got such an opportunity again, they would likely kill to earn it. A Servant came to Polyastera and Laurien with a neatly folded and sealed piece of paper. The seal was of red wax, the stamp on it spelling out the two characters of Shengshi’s name. “Our Esteemed Guests, Laurien and Polyastera - His Lordship requests an audience at Your earliest convenience.” Polyastera grabbed at the air for the envelope and the Servant dutifully placed it into her hand before leaving with a bow. Polyastera handed it to Laurien and mumbled, “Could you read it, dear?” [color=plum]”His Lordship requests an audience with the both of us.”[/color] Laurien said, placing the card on the table in front of her. She grabbed a towel and dabbed the corners of her mouth before placing it down as well. Then she stood up and said, [color=plum]”Come, no use in keeping him waiting. You do have a deal to negotiate, after all.”[/color] Laurien outstretched her hand to Polly. Reluctantly, Polyastera took it and wobbled to her feet. She pulled her messy robe back over her shoulder and followed Laurien towards the stairs up. On the way, Servants deftly cleaned them up and added necessary cosmetics to the best of their ability without directly obstructing the two. The trip up the tower was long, though, and by the time they reached the golden, dragon-flanked gates of Shengshi’s quarters, both of them looked almost presentable. The doors swung open slowly, followed by the deep, oily voice saying, “Come in. I am on the veranda outside.” A few harp chords followed lazily. The two entered the room, and it was much the same as it had been the last time she had been there. A simple plain, but it worked. She guided Polly through to the veranda wherein Laurien kowtowed to Shengshi, prompting Polyastera to do the same. [color=plum]”Greetings your Lordship, it is good to see you again. I apologize for not coming to see you yesterday, but I required a bath and then it… well… I apologize.”[/color] Laurien said sincerely. The snake took a while to answer, Polyastera looking up impatiently between the harp chords. Eventually, the snake said, “There is nothing to apologise for, my dear. Celebrations do have a habit of going overboard.” [color=plum]”it is good to see you again, your lordship.”[/color] Laurien said happily. “Likewise,” came a curt response. The snake turned away from his guzheng and smiled at the two. “I trust you enjoyed yourselves, then?” “Oh, so much,” Polyastera insisted. “Regarding the deal--” The snake held up a hand. “All in good time, young Polyastera. Laurien, did you, too, enjoy yourself?” [color=plum]”Yes, it was delightful as always your Lordship. I am grateful that my people were able to enjoy this as I did.”[/color] she said putting a hand on Polly’s shoulder. [color=plum]”Your Servants did an excellent job, every single one of them and for that I am thankful.”[/color] “Yes, a job, they certainly did. They were diligent and deft, and did their job without so much as a complaint. Still, your people certainly took them by surprise.” He slithered over to the railing with his hands behind his back. “A few came to me in the night pleading for a break. In all the millennia the servants have existed, not once - not once - have they ever asked for a break.” He eyed Polyastera up and down there where she kowtowed. “... I must admit that I am a little less enthusiastic about leaving a group like you to govern yourselves in a kingdom of riches.” Polyastera gaped and tried to stand up, but a look from Laurien kept her grounded. [color=plum]”I will admit, they took me by surprise as well. I did not think they would… Revel with so much passion. But, they are new to this world. Can you blame them for wanting to live like this? Or- My father… I don’t think he really knew what he was creating when they were born, but I can assure you, your Lordship, give it time and they will adjust accordingly.”[/color] Laurien said, blinking. “Your father, huh,” the snake thought out loud. He flicked his tongue at the air. “Where is he, if I may ask? I would like to speak to him - apologise for my earlier cold front towards him.” [color=plum]”He apologizes for not being able to be here to meet with you, your Lordship. He is away, and did not tell me where he was going. So is Arya, unfortunately. She went back to Tendlepog to visit Hermes and Xiaoli.”[/color] Laurien said calmly, almost too calmly. The snake furrowed his brow. “I see. That is a shame.” He gave Laurien a mysterious look and pursed his lips. “I suppose I will have to tell him next time, then. Now, yes, regarding these Nebulites’ free rule of a state on the Dragon’s Foot…” He gave Polyastera a patronising stare. The Nebulite caved a little, sheepishly looking for other things to lock her eyes on. “Will you vouch for them, then, Laurien?” [color=plum]”Oh yes, I think they can build a wonderful home.”[/color] Laurien said, relieved to be changing the subject. The snake’s eyes flicked between the two. “Young Polyastera. I will offer you a deal: I will take your people to the Taipang delta on the Dragon’s Foot. The land there is ripe and fertile; the water is fresh and clean; the fish and birds are plentiful - it will be a perfect home for your people.” Polyastera gaped and beamed with eager euphoria between Laurien and the snake. “Oh, that sounds fantastic! How can I begin to--” “Hold on, my dear,” the snake held up a hand. “I was not quite finished.” Polyastera deflated and looked to Laurien for support. Laurien moved closer to Polyastera and hung her arms over the smaller girl’s shoulders, bending down to say, [color=plum]”Patience, my love. A Queen needs such a skill, after all.”[/color] before standing back up and placing both of her hands on Polly’s shoulders. She gave her a small massage, before returning her gaze to Shengshi. [color=plum]”Please continue, your Lordship. Polyastera is just a little excited over everything.”[/color] “Yes, that much is evident,” the snake said plainly. “I have three demands - no more, no fewer. One of them will be completed today; another within ten years; a third will never truly be completed, but will be satisfied once a generation.” “What are His Lordships terms?” Polyastera asked with the most humble tone she could manage. The snake raised one finger. “By dusk today, I demand that you remove any from the ship who are not committed to you and your cause.” The snake raised a second finger. “By the tenth year, starting today, your will have constructed a temple to me, and it shall be the grandest building in your city, rivalled not even by your royal palace.” Polyastera blinked. “W-within ten yea--” “Within ten years,” the snake confirmed sternly and raised a third finger. “The royal family, starting today and continuing as long as there is a Nebulite kingdom upon the Dragon’s Foot, will take its firstborn to me upon the child’s fifteenth birthday. From that moment, the child shall live out its days in my service, or wherever else I choose to send it.” He lowered the three fingers and eyed the two. “Are these demands reasonable?” Laurien mulled it over, the only thing that truly bothered her was building the temple, but Ohannakeloi did bless the Nebulites with knowledge on masonry. They’d be able to do it, she was sure of it, no matter what. It would also be easy to get rid of those that were not fully committed. As for the last request… Well, Laurien wasn’t going to be the Queen, now was she? [color=plum]”I find these terms acceptable, how about you Polyastera?”[/color] she asked. “As do I,” Polyastera said as though she hadn’t truly fathomed the consequences of her actions. [color=plum]”Then we accept these terms, your Lordship.”[/color] Laurien said, smiling warmly. The snake nodded. “So be it.” He looked at Polyastera. “I will be expecting you to make due on the third promise fifteen years from now.” Polyastera frowned, then blinked and laid her hand on her abdomen. The snake nodded. “Congratulations,” he said with a smile. “Now I would like you to start making good on the first promise.” He went back to his harp and started plucking at the strings. “You may begin.” Laurien kowtowed again, after looking at Poly with a smile, she had no idea the Queen to be was with child. Laurien then said, [color=plum]”It shall be done, your Lordship.”[/color] Polyastera followed her gesture. “It shall be done, Your Lordship,” she echoed and together, the two went back inside and descended the tower. The first agenda on the list was clear. Find those who were committed to the cause; Do away with the rest. [hider=SummaREEEEEEEEEEEEE] It’s been three weeks since Laurien told everyone on the Eye that Orvus left and she didn’t know when he would return. Tensions are high between the luxury nebs and the other nebs, but Shengshi finally arrives and the promised day of revelry beings. Laurien goes to the baths and meets her old friends from long ago. Poly and a whole bunch of other nebs show up however, and ruin the relaxing moment, but not entirely. Drunk Poly opens up to Laurien a bit and they end the night with a kiss The next day they meet with Shengshi and strike a deal with him. NotEgypt has begun, for better or worse. [/hider] [hider=Prestige] Laurien; +2 Prestige Starting +1 Prestige for Minor Role +1 Prestige for Major Role +1 Prestige for Jolly Collaboration = +5 Prestige Ending [/hider]